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According to recent data from the Bridge Group, 24% of sales development reps (SDRs) report directly to Marketing. These numbers are similar to what we’ve been seeing with our own customer base, indicating not only more responsibility for customer acquisition from marketing leaders, but also increasing alignment between Sales and Marketing. Simply put, closing deals is no longer […]
Football season is in full swing, and so is fantasy football.  If only building your fantasy sales team was as easy as picking your roster of all-stars and watching your players’ stats rise to the top! In a perfect world, every sales rep and SDR on your team would be an elite top-performer. But just as […]
Even if you’re already an incredible sales rep, you have to work hard to stay at the top of your sales game. That’s why I’m constantly on the lookout for  the best sales books and sales blogs. Recently I’ve also discovered some awesome podcasts featuring top sales leaders (and their esteemed guests) sharing wisdom that’s both relevant and actionable. You never […]
No matter what you’re selling, responsiveness is one of the most important things that can set you apart from your competitors. Although I work in sales, I am frequently a buyer. One of the things that frustrates me most is when salespeople simply aren’t responsive enough. Due to the huge amount of online information, customers […]
Here at Revenue.io, we’ve been using Salesforce Inbox for Sales Cloud in tandem with our own product to radically improve sales productivity during calls. For those who aren’t in the know, Salesforce Inbox is a chrome extension that offers a lot of features that enhance productivity when sending emails. When used with Revenue.io, which accelerates overall productivity and […]
Hiring the right sales rep can be difficult. The selection process is costly and time-consuming. Selecting the wrong person to add to your team is even more expensive, by the time you consider the cost of compensation, recruitment costs, and training expenses. After you’ve invested 3-4 months to find the “right” candidate, sales ramp up time […]
As a sales manager, you may be glad to put the days of handling rejection behind you. Let’s be frank: selling is a hard job. Getting hung up on, losing a deal, and being told no sucks. This is why having some empathy for your team is critical. “Salespeople are burning out faster than ever […]
The Scout motto is “be prepared.” But perhaps that should also be the motto for SDRs. One of the biggest mistakes SDRs make is not adequately preparing for sales calls. Sure, there isn’t time to extensively research every sales prospect. But suppose that a key decision maker at one of your target accounts filled out a contact […]
One of the coolest features of our new app Revenue.io Free for Salesforce is the simple fact that it allows you to make and take phone calls on your iPad. While you can use your iPad’s internal speakers and microphone, we think it’s often more practical to use a Bluetooth headset. A great Bluetooth headset can […]
Revenue.io CEO, Howard Brown, joined our friends AG Salesworks for “ProspectingChat on Twitter. This edition of #ProspectingChat, focused specifically on inbound prospecting techniques. At first glance, “inbound prospecting” might seem like an oxymoron. When most people think of sales prospecting, they think about outbound prospecting techniques like building lead lists or cold calling. But more and more sales […]
Revenue.io is pleased to sponsor OpsStars – Journey to Revenue Operations, the largest standalone event alongside Dreamforce. This unique three-day event, focused on sales operations professionals, takes place on November 19 -21, 2019 at The Mint in San Francisco, CA. OpsStars brings together B2B leaders in Sales, Marketing and Customer Ops as well as the […]
Steve Jobs may have left us seven years ago, but even to this day, the mere mention of his name sparks a range of responses. One of the many things Jobs was known for was his mastery of persuasion. The Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs discusses the “reality distortion field” that was Jobs’ ability […]