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Revenue.io Founder and CEO recently joined Bloomberg’s The Close to discuss artificial intelligence and its impact on the labor market. Rather than the common misconception that AI will take jobs from both blue and white-collar workers, Howard says that AI will actually augment those works to help them be better at their jobs. “We see […]
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms available to B2B sales reps, and that’s why it’s frustrating to see so many reps using it incorrectly. “Using it incorrectly” is really an understatement. Several times a week B2B reps try to sell me something via InMail and fail miserably for the same reason. They request […]
Step onto the showroom floor at any large-scale technology conference and you’re bound to see hundreds or even thousands of technology vendors offering competing solutions. Each promises to be the magic bullet that maximizes productivity and drives exponential revenue for your business. But the truth is that all companies have a limited budget. No one […]
Sales operations managers are often viewed as a sales team’s MVP. Why? Because the best sales ops superheroes regularly find ways to remove reps’ stumbling blocks and improve their productivity. But sales operations managers also have the power to motivate reps to peak performance. Here are three awesome ways that sales ops experts are motivating […]
This past week was an incredibly exciting one at Revenue.io. First, we received national recognition for the amazing work environment and culture we strive to build each and every day. We then capped it all off with the announcement of our partnership with AWS and an appearance at AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas to launch […]
Sales reps spend an average of 25 hours a month, 15% of their total selling time, leaving voicemails. With pickup rates hovering around 13%, the majority of sales calls go to voicemail, and sales best practices suggest that salespeople should always leave voicemails. Regardless if sales reps are calling leads, prospects or customers, these messages […]
Dreamforce 2019 was an incredible time for Revenue.io, we all got to meet some incredible people, attended some awesome sessions, and participated in some super impressive events. One of our favorites was the 2019 Sales OpsStars conference that took place alongside Dreamforce. There, we meet at the intersection of sales, marketing, and demand generation to […]
A great sales operations manager or director of sales operations is nothing short of a superhero. More and more sales leaders are waking up to just how important a role sales operations has become. Just think of all the data involved in sales today. There’s prospect data that, when delivered in the right context, can […]
For many, the term inside sales conjures to mind images from movies like Boiler Room or The Wolf of Wall Street, in which reps are crowded in a single room in an office building dialing leads at light speed in a race to crush quota. While this is still the reality for some organizations (often […]
Cold calling is arguably one of the hardest sales activities, as there are so many different factors that contribute to a reps’ success or failure at it. When it comes to making successful cold calls, a solid skill set significantly contributes to success. Fortunately, anyone can acquire the skills necessary to be successful at cold […]
As a sales rep, you sell more than a product, or a band-aid, you sell a positive change – a future state. You sell the idea that your prospect’s problems will disappear and their life will transform and improve as a result of their purchase. The same principle applies whether you are selling a car, […]
Those of you who attended our sold out Dreamforce sessions helped make this the most exciting  conference for us to date!  In both sessions, our CEO, Howard Brown, revealed some of the ways that call metrics and contextual data are already transforming the way that businesses interact with customers. For those of you who weren’t able […]