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Comparably just named Revenue.io one of the companies with the Happiest Employees, and we could not be more excited! We are proud to share the honor with companies like Zoom, Hubspot, Microsoft, Apple, Google, ADP, and more. We at here at Revenue.io are big fans of Comparably because their awards are purely based on employee […]
The TOPO Virtual Summit an exclusive virtual conference for sales, sales development, and marketers. This three day event is formed around the TOPO framework for revenue growth, stabilize, reinvent, and grow, and a major focus on the growth stage. Keynote sessions include: The New Framework for Revenue Growth in 2021 with Craig Rosenberg, the Co-founder […]
Join Revenue.io’s search for the greatest sales coach in the world. Sales coaches are among the single biggest drivers of success for any sales team and its time that they get the spotlight. In the age of data, metrics, KPIs, analysis, trends, and charts, sales is ultimately still a human endeavor. Numbers don’t sell, humans […]
Artificial intelligence is already being used by sales organizations of all sizes to provide salespeople and managers with real-time guidance, increase productivity, prioritize leads and a variety of other critical sales functions. While some salespeople might be apprehensive about AI, fearing that it’s a “job replacer,” AI has the potential to be used as a […]
Cold Emails are Essential To Sales Cold emails and sales go together like peanut butter and jelly. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to have one without the other. Cold emails serve as an excellent starting point for any sales process, and can make a great introduction that gets any deal started in the right direction. […]
Martech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the highest achieving companies, technologies, and products in the global marketing, sales, and advertising technology industries, named Revenue.io the Best Overall Sales Tech Company in its annual Martech Breakthrough Awards. James Johnson, Managing Director at MarTech Breakthrough says,“Customer expectations have never been higher and our 2020 […]
What is warm calling? Warm calling is an outbound sales strategy that focuses on dialing, connecting with, and having sales conversations on the phone with sales leads who have been “warmed up” with some kind of prior activity. Warm leads can be defined as prospects that have previously engaged with your company in a meaningful […]
A Simple Lesson Very early in my sales career I made a cold call on the CEO of a large homebuilder in my territory. I was selling computers for what was at the time one of the larger computer companies. I was freshly trained in sales and computers, a newly minted sales rep ready to […]
There’s a new revolution in sales, and it’s moving quickly. Guided selling stands to change sales teams forever, and many of the most successful organizations are quickly employing it. In fact, Gartner found that 51% of sales teams have already deployed are plan to deploy guided selling software in the next five years. As B2B […]
Revenue.io Agent-Only Call Recording Functionality Helps Businesses Expand Coachable Moments to Every Call DISCLAIMER: The information provided here does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available are for general informational purposes only. Readers should contact their attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal […]
Sales calls are more than just a conversation. They are very much a component of a process that is designed to sell. Therefore, they are something that must be monitored, measured, analyzed, and improved. Like most things involving human interaction however, sales conversations are both an art and a science. There are both tangible and […]
Everyone feels the constant push-pull in sales. You want to make the big deal happen. However, the buyer isn’t yours to control. You want to push. You have to be patient. Pushy? Patient? You gotta be both. Being pushy is not about asking for the order. Buyers expect that from you. Though it has no […]