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Jonas Salk was one of the greatest scientific minds in American history. He is most well known for discovering and developing the first successful polio vaccine. He once said, “What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” If you, as a sales professional, can keep this solid […]
Since launching its suite of developers’ tools, companies have used Twilio to build a wide range of cloud-based voice and SMS applications. We chose to incorporate Twilio platform because of their scalable and reliable voice APIs. While many businesses investigate Twilio looking for innovative and reliable telephony solutions. While Twilio offers great options for building […]
The NBA has a history of great coaches. Charged with leading their teams through countless lessons, practices, and games, these coaches must empower, improve, and harmonize their players to ensure they perform at their best. Similarly, sales managers are responsible for leading their teams of reps to victory. Just like an NBA coach and their […]
What are the most crucial things to know about B2B buyers? That’s the question we asked ourselves when we were creating our B2B Target Buyer Persona Template. Using personas is a powerful way to discover and influence your ideal target buyers. And while I’ve been seeing more forward-thinking B2B sales and marketing leaders advocate using personas, many miss out on […]
There is always something new to learn in sales. Every year, I’m impressed and awed by new selling strategies, techniques, tactics and tools that come to light. There are so many brilliant salespeople out there, and we’re lucky that some of the best are willing to share their hard-earned knowledge and secrets with us. Let’s […]
Until recently, many enterprise IT departments had stopped trying to build their own internal CRMs, content management systems and sales software. But the era of mobile apps has reset the entire build vs. buy debate. Over the past couple of years, CIOs have thrown themselves back into the business of application building in an effort […]
The other day, Spotify offered me a list of my top 100 most listened to songs of 2018. My spouse and I share an account, and I have diverse taste, so the playlist was a total mess. Snoop Dogg with Beethoven? Why not! Despite that, a few gems popped out at me from the list […]
Before we get started, here’s a quote from Voltaire to help trigger some self-reflection: “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” Actually, that pairs well with this wisdom from the Dalai Lama: “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” […]
One of our core missions here at Revenue.io is to help our current and future customers stay up to date with the latest sales and marketing strategies and tactics. One of my favorite parts about 2014 was collaborating with some of the world’s leading experts in sales and lead generation in order to craft a library […]
Sales prospecting is incredibly difficult. If you have a manager-level title or above, you’re probably inundated with a stream of emails and InMail from B2B sales reps trying to make deals. Let’s be honest, none us us have time to read them all, let alone respond. According to research from TOPO, only 29% of sales emails […]
As a sales rep, even if you receive the greatest sales coaching ever from the best coach, it could still lead to failure. That’s because there is one quality that coaching plans cannot control: the coachability of the salesperson. It is for this reason that Richard Harris states that sales coaching starts at the hiring […]
In December 2019, Revenue.io CMO William Tyree spoke about the mental impact of sales. At AA-ISP Orange County’s regular meeting, William gave the group a presentation titled, “Navigating the Emotional Highs and Lows of Sales.” William covered how to achieve and maintain the optimal mindset that salespeople need to truly help our prospects and customers. […]