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Of all the challenges sales leaders face, retaining developed reps has to be one of the hardest. The amount of time and money you save by keeping a team of dedicated, high-performing reps is massive — but how exactly do you make sure your A-Players don’t walk? The answer? Consistent, methodical sales coaching. Sales coaching […]
One of the best things about being in the sales profession is how much brilliant thought leadership is readily available. Some of the world’s top sales leaders are more than willing to share best practices with improvement-minded reps. And while the vast majority of tips, tactics and recommendations I see are beneficial, there are still […]
It’s that time of year. Everyone is scrambling to make sure their holiday shopping is done, and after scouring for gifts for family and friends, you likely have little energy left to even think about client gifts. Truth is, it is easy to skimp on customer gifts during the holidays. Too many people treat it […]
Going into a new sales year, it’s more important that ever to ensure that sales and are in lock-step. One of the biggest mistakes that I see B2B companies make is assuming that Marketing’s job is simply to generate leads. Sure, generating high-quality leads is an essential ingredient in a healthy sales pipeline. But the best […]
Remember the first time you saw a tablet in the workplace? For me, that was 2002’s Microsoft tablet, several years before Apple released the iPad. In both eras, corporate early adopters got a lot of questions thrown their way. What kind of work do you do on that? Is that thing really good for taking […]
A new study asked businesses to predict the factors that will be most disruptive to the telecom industry. The number one answer was the death of the landline/desk phone. The second most popular answer was a switch to 100% VoIP over long-term evolution (LTE). The third most cited answer was the “death of plain old […]
Revenue.io Founder and CEO Howard Brown recently spoke at the TaskUs CX Briefing in Los Angeles. At the event, leaders from Disney+, GoDaddy, TheBlackTux, and many others discussed the future of the customer experience and how it can be improved within each and every organization. Key takeaways include: Don’t automate everything, because people still want […]
The demand for inside sales reps has been rapidly expanding, having climbed at least 54% since 2010. That being said, expect more competition than ever to hire experienced inside sales reps with proven histories of driving revenue. Most companies can’t afford to staff their entire sales team with veterans, and as a result, The Bridge […]
You may have heard that December is a bad time for B2B sales. You might think that companies don’t make purchasing decisions until the new year. But I’ve found that a little extra effort in December can yield powerful returns. So if you’re looking to raise the roof on your end-of-year numbers, here are three reasons […]
Revenue.io CMO William Tyree recently joined Derrick Williams, the Director of Sales and Sales Development for HG Insights to discuss how any sales team and quadruple their sales opportunities with the right sales intelligence. On the webinar, William shared findings from Revenue.io’s 2020 Sales Prospecting Performance report, in which we analyzed over 130 million sales […]
2017 has been an incredible year for the sales world, with industry leaders having a greater influence than ever before. These men and women have stepped up to help salespeople connect and learn from one another, creating new standards for engagement and reach. Though there’s always debate about what constitutes a sales influencer, or what […]
If you are in sales, chances are you’ve been on a video conference. Video conferencing applications have become a necessity in the business world and are a staple in every company’s technology stack. The prevalence of video is perhaps the most noticeable within sales itself. As the inside sales model firmly establishes itself as the […]