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6 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for Every Sales Rep

Revenue Blog  > 6 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for Every Sales Rep
4 min readApril 7, 2020

If your sales reps are working in Google Chrome, there are some enormous opportunities to accelerate sales by leveraging Chrome extensions. I personally love using Chrome extensions because they have a nice way of fitting in seamlessly with my workflow, yet simultaneously improving it.

Here are six great ones:


Free or Paid: Free

Scheduling meetings can take away valuable time from sales reps. But Assistant.to makes scheduling sales meetings a breeze. Simply enter details about the meeting (e.g. the duration, location, any relevant links to online meeting services like Skype or GoToMeeting), and  then simply select some times that you are available. After sending the email, your recipient will see a list of available times to choose from. With one click they can select the time that works best and Assistant.to will schedule the meeting and send the invite to all parties’ calendars (regardless of calendaring services being used). Both parties can easilt reschedule meetings from the original assistant.to link.


Free or Paid: Free

One of my favorite Chrome Extensions of all time is Rapportive. The moment you enter a send-to address in GMail, Rapportive (which was acquired by LinkedIn a while back) will display contextual data about that prospect directly in GMail. This is especially useful when reps are prospecting and unsure of someone’s email address. Once you enter the right address in GMail, you’ll see their social data and know you’ve struck gold. I can’t count the number of “Eureka” moments I’ve had when discovering that a prospect’s email address is FirstnameLastinitial@Company.com instead of FirstnameLastname@Company.com.

Datanyze Insider

Free or Paid: Paid (Chrome App is free, but you need a Datanyze account for it to work).

Datanyze is a powerful lead generation platform that empowers reps to target prospective companies based on a variety of factors including funding, technology usage, geolocation and more. Their Datanyze Insider Chrome extension is especially awesome because it enables you to capture lead data directly from LinkedIn. As an example, you could use Datanyze’s platform to target companies in California that recently received more than 20 million in funding. And with Datanyze, you can search LinkedIn for employees at those companies in particular roles. The extension then makes it incredibly easy to build highly targeted lists of employees at those companies directly from their LinkedIn profiles. Once you get the hang of it, you can quickly build amazing lead lists that can be, with one click, imported to your CRM.

SalesforceIQ Inbox

Free or Paid: Paid

Another tool I use every day is SalesforceIQ Inbox. This extension is can really slash the time it takes to send sales emails. You can use shortcut templates, schedule emails to send at specific times, quickly offer available times for meetings/demos (like Assistant.to) and automatically log emails in Salesforce. Perhaps the most useful feature for sales is that reps can see the moment that prospects read an email. This can help them plan when to reach out with follow-up calls.

We recently made a video showing some of the ways SalesforceIQ Inbox works with our solution.


Free or Paid: Both are available.

One of the more interesting extensions out there for salespeople is called Crystal. Crystal analyzes your prospects’ personalities and then make targeted recommendations about how they like to communicate. Crystal uses a couple of methods to gather data about people. First, it asks people who visit a person’s profile to enter information about them. It also scrapes “thousands of source” online in order to gather a reasonably accurate profile about prospects. Crystal then makes some fairly accurate predictions about how people like to communicate. For example, the app might suggest that you start your email with just their name rather than using a salutation (because they like getting right down to business!)

When I read my own Crystal personality profile it was remarkably accurate. The only place it was really off was that it thought I don’t appreciate sarcasm. This just inidicates that it got more data from my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles (work) a lot better than my Facebook profile (personal). So stick to using this app for business-related communication (great for sales, but it might not help you write better letters on Match.com.)


Free or paid: Free trial

Revenue.io’s Chrome extension provides inside sales teams with a complete voice communications platform. Revenue.io integrates seamlessly with Salesforce enabling reps to:

  • Quickly dial down lead lists in Salesforce
  • Connect with up to 400% more prospects by dialing from numbers with local area codes
  • Capture all call data in Salesforce automatically
  • Automatically create and modify follow-up tasks in Salesforce

These are just some of Revenue.io’s features. We’re happy to schedule a demo to quickly show you how Revenue.io can make sales reps and sales managers more successful. 
