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Using Salesforce Inbox & Revenue to Radically Accelerate Sales Productivity

Revenue Blog  > Using Salesforce Inbox & Revenue to Radically Accelerate Sales Productivity
2 min readNovember 10, 2020

Here at Revenue.io, we’ve been using Salesforce Inbox for Sales Cloud in tandem with our own product to radically improve sales productivity during calls. For those who aren’t in the know, Salesforce Inbox is a chrome extension that offers a lot of features that enhance productivity when sending emails. When used with Revenue.io, which accelerates overall productivity and prospect engagement through its Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce, it’s a formidable duo.

Email Templates

Salesforce Inbox has an awesome feature called Shortcuts that enables reps to quickly select outbound sales email templates. By selecting a prospecting template and then quickly personalizing it, reps can save several minutes every time they send a sales email.


Salesforce Inbox makes it really easy to schedule meetings with prospects. You can quickly select available times from your Gmail calendar, and then let prospects confirm a time with one click.

Email Scheduling

During prime hours, our reps often want to be on the phone, calling prospects. Problem is, the best times to call prospects tend to be the best times to email prospects as well. With Salesforce Inbox, reps can draft emails any time and the schedule them to go out during hours when prospects will be most likely to open them. This is a great way to maximize engagement.

Read Receipts

With the read receipt option switched on, reps are alerted the second that prospects opened a sales email.  This helps our reps make follow-up calls during moments when our content is relatively fresh in prospects’ mind. Calling prospects the second they open emails can come off like you’re stalking them. But waiting just a little while and then calling really can boost answer rates.

Interested in knowing more about the Revenue.io Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce? Contact our team for a full demo.