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The following is a guest post by Colleen Francis, Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. It all starts with metrics. Yes, there’s always a way to improve the performance of your metrics – people say “It’s not about the quantity of calls, it’s about the quality.” But on the other hand, if you make […]
As marketers, we talk a lot about generating leads and driving ROI. However, revenue follows when customers receive the right messages across every touch point. Tracking the impact of marketing campaigns on inbound call activity in Salesforce.com is a powerful way for marketers to determine which campaigns create valuable customer relationships. This, along with tracking […]
2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io   After much speculation, we’re excited to see that Apple has finally unveiled the iPad mini.  We were reassured by the news today that the new iPad mini is, in […]
This year at Dreamforce, our CEO Howard Brown served as moderator on two panels that brought together some of the most inspiring leaders working in sales today. Our first panel featured John Barrows (sales trainer to some of the world’s leading tech companies), Peter Gracey (co-Founder of AGSalesworks and CEO of Quota Factory) and Aaron […]
Each day, LinkedIn prompts each of us to “say congrats” on someone’s new job. Directors become VPs,  VPs become CXOs, and CEOs found new companies. The changes accompanying executive role shifts is much like what happens when coaches leave one team for another, or a political leader takes power. Entire systems of operations change, as […]
Much of last week’s TwilioCon conference focused on the virtues of prioritizing customer experience. Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson told the audience of developers, “You’re focused on the user instead of the scaffolding,” before interviewing Box CEO & co-founder Aaron Levie, who declared that simplicity was the key to his company’s success. Like Gmail before it, Box […]
The right sales compensation plan can play a vital role in motivating reps to succeed. Recently, we teamed up with OpenView and RingLead on the definitive webinar on inside sales compensation. One of the most exciting parts of the webinar was the lively Q&A session. Inspired by that Q&A session, here are some of the […]
2 min read - October 21, 2020
Productivity in Sales
Sales leaders and sales managers are real confused by the whole notion of productivity. I hate to say this. But, unfortunately, it’s true. This is a problem in that it drives sales leaders to make the wrong decisions about how to improve productivity. Let’s get the basics out of the way. First, a sales person’s […]
Our Founder and CEO, Howard Brown, kicked this week off with a guest appearance on NBC’s Smart Money talk radio program. The appearance came on the heels of Howard’s heavily shared Entrepreneur article, The New Wave of Sales Acceleration Technology, which challenged business owners to outfit their sales teams with sales acceleration technology (or lose deals […]
For most SDRs, sales discovery calls are in fact the most important sales activity. Sure, emails and social outreach are vital, but conversations with prospects are the only way to differentiate yourself in an increasingly crowded marketplace. The better you know your prospects, their colleagues and their unique needs, the better chance you have of winning their business. I’ve […]
Sales acceleration software is a category of software that’s designed to maximize sales revenue by driving sales efficiencies and improving sales effectiveness. This involves not only automating sales processes, but also increasing the velocity of sales by helping reps identify the best prospects, connect with them more successfully and have more intelligent conversations during the […]
Relationships are the true X factor in sales. Why? Because all sales are at least somewhat emotional.  At the end of the day, we tend to buy from salespeople we trust, respect and get along with. Building rapport with prospects isn’t just for used car salesmen. Building a lasting relationship is even more important when selling […]