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Do you wish you had more time each month to hit your targets? Most Sales Development Reps (SDRs) would agree that time is one of their biggest challenges. According to Ralph Barsi, two of the five barriers that block reps from hitting sales quotas are lack of focus and inactivity. It’s not surprising with the […]
In their 2018 buyer preferences study, CSO Insights found that salespeople ranked ninth out of the top ten ways buyers prefer to solve their business problems. “Vendor salespeople” placed below websites, peers, social networking groups, and web searches. In fact, only 23 percent of buyers named salespeople as one of their top three resources. This […]
Just because a lead has been qualified, it doesn’t mean they are going to become a customer. Although it varies by industry, research has shown that only 20-30% of sales qualified leads (SQLs) close. That means that there are many prospects that fall out of the funnel during your sales process. It’s just as well, […]
It’s not uncommon for star sales reps to be promoted or otherwise move into sales management. Unfortunately, top salespeople aren’t necessarily the best sales managers. The sales manager is a critical role, and you must select the right person for it. If the wrong individual is chosen, there may be significant costs to your organization. […]
At Revenue.io, we spend a lot of time with inside sales, sales development, and business development teams. Our product is core to their success, so we invest in these teams by listening to their problems, needs, and goals, and then maximizing their benefit from our solution. We keep a close watch on the trends across […]
On average, sales development reps (SDRs) must make 9.1 sales calls before they connect with a lead. Each connection is valuable, and a lot needs to happen in those first crucial moments of cold calling: The SDR must do some relating, and get the prospect to like them. The SDR needs to effectively communicate value […]
What is a lead qualification framework and why is it important? We all have to make decisions. Some of these are easier than others. When it comes time to make a decision, whether it’s what shirt to purchase, if we should go to that expensive restaurant, if we should splurge on a new TV, or […]
How effective is your sales coaching? When is the last time you asked yourself this question? It goes without saying, sales coaching is important. Sales coaching differs from sales training in that it is the continuous reinforcement of skills to improve performance over time. If you aren’t sales coaching at all, we’ve covered in depth […]
There are many methods of communication in a sales rep’s toolkit. There are emails, texts, LinkedIn messages, and more, but nothing works quite like a phone call. Phone conversations the best way to engage with a prospect and elicit immediate results. Emails, texts, and so on are far too easily put-off, saved for later, ignored, […]
There’s an ongoing debate about whether or not cold calling is dead. Regardless of what you’ve read or heard elsewhere, the truth is cold calling is alive and well. A recent study revealed that 71% of buyers want to hear from sellers when looking for new ideas to improve their business. In the same study, […]
Cold calling is the hardest thing a salesperson or SDR is asked to do, and for many, it is expected to take up 70% of their time on the job. The result? 42% of reps struggle with prospecting. An anti-cold-call website claims 63% of salespeople say cold calling is what they dislike about their jobs. […]
It’s another Monday morning, and you find yourself surrounded by yawning colleagues, open laptops, and Starbucks disposable cups in the conference room while your sales manager drones on with the latest numbers and pipeline update. You check your email, check the news, and check your watch – can we get out already? Why do sales […]