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What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? This is the question Entrepreneur on Fire – or EOFire, as it’s known to fans – seeks to answer in its ongoing series of interviews with business leaders. Past guests have included marketing guru Seth Godin, Nimble’s Jon Ferrara and Shark Tank’s Barbara Corcoran. In the most […]
Part of our culture here at Revenue.io is to regularly talk to sales managers as well as sales reps so we can better understand how to improve sales processes. We nearly always learn something valuable from these conversations that we either pass on to others in the sales community through our content, or to our product team so […]
The consumerization of IT is one of the greatest challenges facing IT professionals today. Without proper planning, shifting device ownership to employees can reduce CIOs’ oversight and compromise the security of sensitive data. However, enabling employees to use self-owned devices provides companies with many benefits. The following guide is intended to help IT professionals devise […]
Building a good sales cadence or sales sequence by following strong sales cadence examples can make your sales team more productive and enforce the use of best practices in your team’s selling efforts. 42% of sales reps find prospecting to be the most challenging part of the sales process, according to HubSpot. With a strong […]
In sales, the discovery phase involves smart questions and active listening skills. Any sales training will mention both. However, it is possible to ask questions and use sales listening skills without real empathy. Consider the data from a HubSpot Research study of B2B buyers and sellers: The #1 buyer expectation (69%) is a sales rep […]
Most inside sales managers know when reps are underperforming. But being a great sales manager requires being able to address why certain reps are or aren’t hitting their numbers. In our experience, the most successful managers are those that are able to gain visibility into how individual reps’ activities impact downstream revenue. Here are some metrics […]
  As Marc Benioff made clear during the Dreamforce conference keynote last week, Salesforce.com is highly focused on the power of mobile and social media for business transformation. Benioff sees social media as the latest in a “continuum of innovation” that began with the mainframe revolution in the 1970s, personal computers in the 1980s, the […]
It’s difficult to keep pace with the whirlwind changes that are transforming sales processes each year. New sales acceleration tools and controversial selling methodologies (The Challenger Sale comes to mind) have made the sales profession radically different from when I took my first inside sales job seven years ago. Back then I didn’t even have a CRM […]
Here at Revenue.io, we can’t overstate the importance of managing sales teams to metrics. By tracking the right metrics, inside sales managers can glean far more insight than who did and didn’t achieve quota. Tracking the right metrics gives you visibility into how your reps’ activities impact every stage of your pipeline. We know that tracking […]
Martech Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence organization that recognizes the highest achieving companies, technologies, and products in the global marketing, sales, and advertising technology industries, named Revenue.io the Best Overall Sales Tech Company in its annual Martech Breakthrough Awards. James Johnson, Managing Director at MarTech Breakthrough says,“Customer expectations have never been higher and our 2020 […]
In order to have a successful sales enablement program, you need two key ingredients. First, you need to have buy-in from leaders at multiple departments. Departments have to work together in lock-step in order to achieve the shared goal of driving revenue. However, it’s equally important to have the right sales enablement tools. The right […]
From day one, our Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce has offered automatic Salesforce call logging. This has saved our customers a lot of time and headaches (trust me – logging calls manually is always expected, and never fun). But we also know that today’s SDRs, inbound sales reps and account executives don’t just talk to prospects on […]