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9 Experts Predict the Future of Sales [Infographic]

Revenue Blog  > 9 Experts Predict the Future of Sales [Infographic]
2 min readSeptember 24, 2020

It’s difficult to keep pace with the whirlwind changes that are transforming sales processes each year. New sales acceleration tools and controversial selling methodologies (The Challenger Sale comes to mind) have made the sales profession radically different from when I took my first inside sales job seven years ago. Back then I didn’t even have a CRM let alone the power to automatically dial prospects from local area codes!

Given that sales has changed so much recently, I think it’s interesting to image where sales is going. What tech and tactics are sales reps going to be using two, three years from now to win deals? Sales for Life recently released an awesome infographic that hopes to answer this question. The infographic features our CEO Howard Brown and eight other top sales leaders revealing predictions for the future of sales. By knowing where top sales thought leaders see sales going, you can jump start your own sales efforts and stay ahead of the curve.





Not surprisingly, several of the sales leaders discussed how sales will continue to be shaped by technology. To win deals you’re going to need the right tools. Whether it’s giving reps more insight into prospects’ preferences through marketing and social media data, using increased automation technology or leveraging tools to better prioritize leads, technology is going to vastly improve the way that you sell. The good new is that there are already powerful sales tools that your team can be leveraging to make more dials, connect with more leads, have more intelligent conversations and do a better job of prioritizing leads.

For help finding which sales tools can have the greatest impact on your business, check out our free Sales Acceleration Buyer’s Guide!