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Revenue in the Media

Revenue Blog  > Revenue in the Media
2 min readJune 13, 2020

As we dutifully work toward the private beta launch of our iPad release, Revenue.io has been grateful for continued press coverage. Buzz has especially been generating around our use of APIs to integrate voice metrics and analytics data into CRM tools.

Alcatel Lucent uses Revenue.io for Case StudyMultinational telecommunications titan Alcatel-Lucent used Revenue.io as a case study in their recent whitepaper , “For Service Providers, It is Time to Make Money with APIs.” We are proud to be cited in their list of “Aggressive Newcomers” using APIs to “build deep, broad value chains across previously unconnected market segments.” Alcatel-Lucent praises our use of APIs to integrate data from a variety of sources:

Revenue.io brings search marketing and CRM under one roof by tying together APIs from Google Analytics, Google Adwords and Salesforce

Dan Kaplan, who handles product marketing for Twilio, recently linked to us in his TechCrunch article “Future of Marketing in a Post-PC World.” Dan Kaplan’s vision of the future of cloud communications couldn’t be more aligned with our own:

means using call tracking to gather metrics on phone calls or sending voice and text messages to notify sales reps about new leads in real-time. It means creating “tap-to-call” capabilities that instantly connect smartphone or iPad users via VoIP to your sales or support agents with a tap on a link in a mobile app or an ad. And for these agents, it means taking calls straight from an iPad – not locked down in some office or call center, but anywhere that wireless internet can go.

Twilio Cloud CommunicationsTwilio has been a vocal supporter of Revenue.io, inviting us to present an early iteration of our app at LeadsCon earlier this year. According to Twilio:


 The app makes it easy to get critical information about phone leads, including the marketing campaign that prompted them to call, regardless of whether it was online or offline and their call history. Even better, it stores all that data in Salesforce.

Stay tuned for more news as we rapidly approach our first app’s release.


2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io