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Meet Us at Dreamforce & Find Out the 7 Most Vital Inside Sales Metrics

Revenue Blog  > Meet Us at Dreamforce & Find Out the 7 Most Vital Inside Sales Metrics
2 min readOctober 10, 2020

Salesforce dashboards can give inside sales managers the power to forecast the future. You can see which reps are on pace to meet goals, and also identify how specific sales activities impact pipeline. But the fact is that your existing dashboards just might not be giving you the data you need to make smart predictions. Without tracking the right metrics, it can be difficult to truly coach your inside sales team to be more successful. With the right dashboards, you can both predict and maximize revenue, and coach more reps to crush quota like A-players.

This year at Dreamforce, the Revenue.io team has put together one of our most exciting sessions yet. Our Founder and CEO, Howard Brown, will be leading an all-star panel of sales superstars. First we’ll reveal the 7 most vital Salesforce Dashboards for maximizing inside sales success. Then, we’ll ask our panel to reveal some of their most powerful inside sales management tips. Finally, we’ll feature an exciting and interactive Q & A session, so that you can dialog with these heavy hitters directly.

Meet our panel of experts!


John Barrows

John Barrows works as a sales trainer to some of the world’s leading tech companies. He focuses on sales training and consulting services for clients like Salesforce.com, Box, Linkedin and many others with a focus on driving results with proven techniques and reinforcement tools that impact adoption and behavior change. He is also Founder of SalesFromTheStreets, an online video library of 2 minute, actionable sales tips from successful sales professionals in the field. Barrows describes it as YouTube for Sales.

AG Salesworks Co-Founder and COO Peter Gracey

Peter Gracey

Peter Gracey is one of the world’s leading authorities on inside sales. He co-founded AG Salesworks, a Marketing Services and Teleprospecting firm that assists technology companies with the design, development and execution of their Demand Generation programs. AG Salesworks has helped numerous companies source qualified sales opportunities. His latest venture, Quota Factory, provides a technology enabled service that puts your reps in the position to increase their monthly conversions to forecast by up to 60%.

Aaron Ross Predictable Revenue

Aaron Ross

As a former inside sales manager at salesforce.com, Aaron Ross is one of the leading experts on using Salesforce to maximize inside sales revenue! In his number one best-selling book Predictable Revenue, he explains how he helped salesforce.com pioneer an inside sales model that created $100 million in new revenue. Now, as one of the top inside sales trainers, he helps other companies achieve groundbreaking success.