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iPad Mini and Revenue are a Match Made in Heaven

Revenue Blog  > iPad Mini and Revenue are a Match Made in Heaven
2 min readOctober 23, 2020
iPad Mini Mobile CRM App

Revenue.io on the iPad Mini

2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io


After much speculation, we’re excited to see that Apple has finally unveiled the iPad mini.  We were reassured by the news today that the new iPad mini is, in the words of Apple, “every inch an iPad.” In other words it will support all 275,00+ apps made for iPad, including our mobile CRM app, Revenue.io Free for Salesforce.

The iPad Mini will boast the same 1,024 x 768 resolution as its big brothers iPad and iPad2. Our entire team is therefore happy – and a bit relieved – that Revenue.io will run perfectly on Mini, right out of the box. Better yet, in addition to releasing a wifi version of the iPad mini, Apple is also rolling out a cellular version. iPad mini might indeed be the best single-device solution for mobile workers to date.

Though Apple Founder Steve Jobs was famously derisive toward smaller tablets, the recent success of Amazon’s Kindle Fire has proven that there is a market for one-hand tablets. Even if iPad mini is initially being marketing to consumers, as the BYOD phenomenon has clearly shown, devices that consumers love have a way of finding their way into businesses.

We think that the iPad Mini could, in fact, be the perfect device for mobile voice communications. Though larger than an iPhone, the mini’s 7.9″ display is perfect for viewing the customer records, social media feeds and contextual data that Revenue.io serves up at the drop of a hat.









