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Study: Mobile Workers Now Carry 3.5 Devices To Work [Infographic]

Revenue Blog  > Study: Mobile Workers Now Carry 3.5 Devices To Work [Infographic]
1 min readMarch 8, 2020

iPass, a market research firm, has released their Global Mobile Workforce Report for Q1, and with it an infographic that expertly displays the chasm between mobile workers’ demand for data and businesses’ ability to organize an infrastructure that effectively delivers this data.

Some interesting finds from the iPass report:

  • The mobile stack (average number of devices carried by a mobile worker) has grown to 3.47, up from 2.7 in 2011.
  • 64 percent of mobile workers now carry a tablet, rising to nearly 80 percent within the next six months according to respondents’ buying predictions.
  • Respondents felt that the laptop was still the most effective device for multitasking (62 percent). Smartphones (51 percent) and tablets (36 percent) were only effective in combination with another device for multitasking.

These three statistics not only validate the fact that tablet use is becoming more commonplace among mobile workers, but also that new software solutions are necessary before mobile workers consider leaving their smartphones and laptops at home.

As the Revenue.io team works on our iPad release, we are excited to enable more mobile workers to leave their homes and offices without carrying satchel full of hardware. Not only will our app turn iPads into smartphones, but it will make it easier than ever for mobile workers to access vital business intelligence in real time. No one likes fumbling between 3-4 devices just to get work done. That’s why Revenue.io is confronting the problem of device-creep head on.

Check out this awesome infographic from iPass:

Mobile Devices for Mobile Workers Infographic