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In a noisy competitive landscape, providing personalized experiences to your prospects is more important than ever. An account-based sales strategy targets a specific set of priority accounts, making it easier for sales and marketing teams to focus their efforts while offering a tailored buying experience as well. More than two-thirds of B2B brands are currently […]
Salespeople only spend 30% of their time selling, with the other time dominated by repetitive and administrative tasks. But with the help of sales automation software, teams of all sizes can streamline their sales processes and stay ahead of the competition. Automation tools can handle the boring work like data entry and lead tracking while […]
If you’ve been following the evolution of B2B sales, you’ve likely encountered the idea of a revenue intelligence platform. But with all the different types of platforms built for revenue teams (and more popping up all the time), it can be difficult to differentiate between their capabilities. The truth is that in a turbulent economy, […]
Sales engagement platforms have been gaining rapid popularity among businesses as a way to improve their sales processes. However, with so many platforms available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. It’s important to recognize that not all sales engagement platforms are created equal, and selecting a solution that doesn’t work for your […]
The market is flooded with call software options, but not all of them are created equal. If you’re looking for call software, it’s important to know what to look for to avoid costing your business valuable time and money. In fact, some call software can be downright frustrating, leading to dropped calls, missed opportunities and […]
Sales enablement has completely changed over the past several years. While the definition of the term sales enablement might have originally referred to functional processes like CRM optimization or providing reps with content, sales enablement has truly evolved into a movement.  This post will not only define what sales enablement means in 2023, but will […]
As we continue to be mindful of the importance of Black History this month and all year round, we spent some time chatting with Hezekiah Branch, Revenue.io Fellow and Data Science M.S. Student at Tufts University. Hezekiah is an inspiring individual, to say the least. These are some of his accomplishments: Launching the BLASTOFF Industry […]
Recently, I sat down with Satrice Adams, Technical Support Analyst at Revenue.io, to hear her thoughts about Black History Month. Here are Satrice’s musings in her own words. What does Black History Month mean to you? Black history to me is the celebration of culture and highlighting the plight of Black Americans throughout history. I […]
There has never been a better time to be in sales. Only a short time ago, salespeople had to spend more than half of their time on tedious tasks like taking notes, logging calls, and prioritizing leads. But sales force automation (SFA) technology and tools now enable reps to spend more time doing what they really […]
Not every sales dialer is created equal. You wouldn’t wear baseball cleats on a tennis court. Or use your driver when you’re on the putting green. Great athletes (and even occasional ones) know that they need to use the right equipment if they want to perform at their best. Well, the same goes for sales […]
Here’s a secret: no one is too sophisticated for sales training. There’s no point in your sales career when you’re done learning. The sooner you realize this, the more skillful and resilient you’ll become. Think of the sales world as a constantly changing landscape, with new ideas and technologies emerging all the time. Just like […]
The new Gartner Market Guide for Revenue Intelligence Platforms is out, and we’re proud to announce that Revenue.io is one of just five vendors in the report to be defined as an “Action Platform.” If you’re new to the term, you’re in good company. Action Platform is Gartner’s new term for “vendors that integrate insights […]