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Success Story: Fundera and Revenue

Revenue Blog  > Success Story: Fundera and Revenue
2 min readNovember 27, 2020

About the Lending Marketplace Industry

Fundera is an online lending marketplace that is the go-to financial resource for everything small business. Currently, there are over 200 digital lenders in the United States and their global volume is expected to reach over $290 billion by 2020.

These marketplaces are taking the financial world by storm as more and more business owners (as well as consumers) turn to them to better assess their lending options outside of large banks.

About Fundera

Fundera provides a single source where business owners can find and apply for loans, credit cards, accounting, banking solutions, and related resources. Fundera helps businesses face their challenges, achieve goals, and grow.

Business owners full out a single application, and are paired with a specialist at Fundera who understands their business needs. The lending specialist works on behalf of the business owner to find the products and offers that will work best. Business owners and lending specialists then work together, go over numbers, and compare to find the best offer.

Finding and using Revenue.io

Fundera strives to provide a personalized experience to their customers and therefore has a high touch, high call volume business where a large number of notes are taken during the sales conversation. Lending specialists did not only take notes on calls, but also documented every dial made and activity completed and manually dialed the phone. This wasted hours of pre- and post-call work and caused inaccurate reporting and incomplete records. Naturally, poor data leads to forecasting struggles.

Furthermore, since most interactions between customers and lending specialists are conducted over the phone, Fundera needs to have a high-quality voice solution.

Fundera and Revenue.io

“Revenue.io is the very first sales system that I have just been unequivocally happy with and would recommend to everyone.” – Tommy McNulty, VP, Sales & Customer Success

Fundera now has a complete integration with Salesforce and automation for key sales activities like call logging, prioritization, lead routing, and call distribution which not only saves a significant amount of reps times but creates a better experience for their customers.

Since reps no longer have to manually dial or record sales activities, they save time and are able to make more dials and connect with more customers. Mangers also have completely accurate reporting and are able to have clear visibility into sales reporting and make reliable forecasts.

Fundera also found their sales reps took completely naturally to Revenue.io. There was little to no ramp time, and Revenue.io’s intuitive user experience made them confident and proficient users very quickly.

Read the full case study to see how.