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Introducing Two-Minute Dialer Deployment from Revenue

Revenue Blog  > Introducing Two-Minute Dialer Deployment from Revenue
3 min readApril 30, 2020

In the wake of current events, working remotely has become the new normal. But even before the global crisis, working remotely was trending, with a 159% increase in remote work over the past 12 years. However, we are aware that a lot of companies have had phenomenal success with on-premises sales teams. And quickly migrating to a 100% remote sales model (as our own company just did) can present challenges.

One of the most important ways that Revenue.io can support companies transitioning to a remote sales model is by offering near-instant onboarding for our Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce. In a matter of minutes, reps can download the Revenue.io browser extension, login with their Salesforce credentials and begin taking advantage of a variety of remote productivity features offered by our Dialer.

Headache-free onboarding has always been part of our Dialer’s DNA. But we’re now offering one free month of our Dialer, so companies that are looking for remote productivity tools can see for themselves how Revenue.io can make the transition to remote virtually seamless.

3 Ways the Dialer Helps Remote Sales Teams Succeed

Here are three reasons why we recommend our Dialer as a mobile sales solution.

Replace Desk Phones Instantly

On-premises reps often rely on deskphones. But Revenue.io makes it easy for reps to make and take calls right from their browser. Best of all, Revenue.io connects remote reps to a wealth of contextual data about prospects before, during and after calls, so they can have more personalized and empathetic conversations with their own prospects during these often stressful times.

We know that one of the concerns facing teams as they migrate to a remote sales model is ensuring compliance during sales communications. Our Dialer, an SOC2-certified solution, offers a variety of built-in tools for GDPR, call recording, and CCPA compliance.

Log All Sales Data in Salesforce Automatically

No matter where sales reps are working from, it’s absolutely essential to ensure that all vital sales data is being logged in your CRM. And as someone with experience managing inside sales reps, I can attest that even the most diligent rep won’t remember to manually log important data in Salesforce. That’s why our Dialer was built to automatically capture a wealth of sales data in Salesforce including:

  • Calls
  • Emails
  • Notes
  • Tasks
  • Text Messages
  • Call Recordings
  • Call Dispositions

The result is that reps will have more time to sell, without having to take on the unnecessary cognitive load of ensuring all data is logged in Salesforce manually.

Capturing sales data in Salesforce is especially important now, since managers need a real-time view of reps’ activities in order to ensure remote reps are on-pace to hit their goals.

Power Through Lead Lists in Salesforce

The Revenue.io Dialer can transform any Salesforce report or lead list into a prioritized call list. Reps can click on any phone number in Salesforce to initiate a call or use our “Dial Next” button to blitz through prioritized lists. This is one way that Revenue.io can radically increase rep productivity, no matter where reps are working from.

How to Get Started with a Free Trial in Minutes

Here are three easy steps to get started using the Revenue.io Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce:

Download the Revenue.io Intelligent Dialer from the Chrome Store
Log in with your Salesforce Credentials – no new accounts or logins required
Begin contacting more prospects, booking more meetings and closing more deals