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Come Get Our Cool Revenue Retro Phone Receivers at Dreamforce!

Revenue Blog  > Come Get Our Cool Revenue Retro Phone Receivers at Dreamforce!
2 min readSeptember 18, 2020

While Revenue.io is shaping the future of business telephony, we want to take a moment to pay our respects to the telephony’s past. That’s why we’ll be handing out free retro-cool Revenue.io phone receivers at Dreamforce, the biggest cloud computing event of the year (September 19-21). Though our Revenue.io Retro Receivers might look at home on the set of Mad Men, they are made to plug right into the headphone jack of your smartphone or iPad.

Let’s face it: retro phones weren’t very convenient but they sure looked cool. We suppose that’s why a slew of celebrities from Eva Longoria to Lenny Kravitz have been seen using cool retro phone receivers.

In fact,  our Revenue.io Retro Receivers are specifically designed to coincide with our first groundbreaking new sales app, Revenue.io Free for Salesforce. This iPad app not only transforms an iPad into a telephone with 200 free monthly minutes, it enables sales reps to leverage valuable customer data from Salesforce.com and social media feeds. The app also syncs with Salesforce.com, automatically logging calls, activities and contact changes.

If you want to get your hands on a new Revenue.io Retro Receiver, come find us at Dreamforce. Though we’ll be handing them out at various locations in the conference, here are three sure-fire places to find us:

1. The Twilio Booth (The Convention Room Floor): We’ll be at the Twilio Booth, handing out phones, demoing Revenue.io and answering any questions you might have.

2. Come see Revenue.io founder and CEO Howard Brown and Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson give a presentation entitled Communication Automation: The Future of SFA Software. Howard will explain how Revenue.io’s current and future offerings will bring about better communications, more focused sales teams and better tracking analytics across all sales functions. Wednesday, Sept 19, 12:00 – 1:00pm in Moscone West, Rm 2024.

3. Last year our VP, Mobile Kyle Roche won the Dreamforce Hackathon with what would become the first lines of code for our new Revenue.io iPad app. On the heels of his victory he has been asked to weigh in on Chatter integration in iOS at his session, Live Stadium Challenge: Chatter Integration in iOS. Thursday, Sept. 20, 1:45-2:30 at MC West, Touch Stadium.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing Revenue.io’s current and future offerings. We also hope you’ll enjoy your Revenue.io receiver. Though you don’t need a cool retro phone receiver to start making and taking calls on your iPad with Revenue.io, you’ll definitely look cooler with one. So come find us at Dreamforce and help us help usher in a new “Golden Age” of telephony.


2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io

