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Why Your Sales Phone System Shouldn’t Be Confined to the Office

Revenue Blog  > Why Your Sales Phone System Shouldn’t Be Confined to the Office
3 min readDecember 5, 2020

For many, the term inside sales conjures to mind images from movies like Boiler Room or The Wolf of Wall Street, in which reps are crowded in a single room in an office building dialing leads at light speed in a race to crush quota. While this is still the reality for some organizations (often on the B2C side), we’re working with more and more sales organizations in which reps sell from the office, the home and on the go as well.

office phone failI was recently speaking to a prospective customer about Revenue.io’s inside sales acceleration solutions. One concern that he had was that inside sales reps on his team sometimes worked outside the office. He wanted to ensure that no matter where reps were making and taking calls, that data got logged in Salesforce so that the sales manager could maintain visibility into reps’ performance. I assured him—as we assure all our customers—that wherever reps travel, Revenue.io can go with them. We designed Revenue.io to offer the benefits of enterprise telephony to reps no matter where they traveled. We knew this would be crucial in order to offer inside sales teams flexibility without compromising productivity.

A New Reality of Inside Sales

Let’s face it, B2B sales is rarely a 40-hours-a-week job. Sales reps often take calls after hours and—if selling internationally—in the middle of the night. It’s not uncommon for a sales team to be distributed across different states and some reps don’t ever enter traditional offices at all. Not to mention the fact that there are still reps that handle the dual roles of inside sales and field sales.

The new reality is that reps need to make and take calls from a variety of locations. But at the same time, reps need access to enterprise data about their prospects from sources like Salesforce and Google AdWords. Likewise, companies need visibility into those reps’ activities even when they are outside of the office.

A Truly Flexible Communications Platform

When building Revenue.io we wanted to make 100% sure that no matter where reps go, calls follow them. With Revenue.io’s Intelligent Call Forwarding, when an inbound call comes in, it will always find the right rep on the right device. When reps are at their browser (either in the office or at home) calls will ring in their Intelligent Dialer app. And when reps are on the go, our mobile app ensures that calls can always reach reps on their iPhone or iPad.

Likewise, Revenue.io Everywhere ensures that sales teams can use any device – even your grandmother’s landline – to make and take calls, while still experiencing Revenue.io CTI on your computer.

Our platform also ensure that no matter which device reps make and take calls on, all key activities and even call recordings are automatically logged in Salesforce. This ensures that managers have up-to-the-minute visibility into reps’ activities and performance, no matter where reps are located.

Reps themselves benefit from the contextual data that Revenue.io offers with every call. Reps can see pertinent information about prospects in one place before making outbound calls. And the moment a call comes in, reps instantly know who is calling, what to sell them and how to sell it thanks to our Advanced caller ID and intelligent call scripts.

With Revenue.io you can extend enterprise telephony to you sales reps no matter where they go.