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Join Revenue and RingLead for “How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail” [Webinar]

Revenue Blog  > Join Revenue and RingLead for “How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail” [Webinar]
2 min readJuly 18, 2020

Thurs., July 31st, 2014 at 2:00PM ET / 11:00AM PT

Leaving a great voicemail that actually inspires prospects to respond can be one of the hardest tasks in inside sales. But the truth is that with the right approach, sales voicemails can be measured, coached and optimized.

Webinar date on calendar or agendaWe’re excited to be teaming up with RingLead for a free webinar that explores sales voicemail best practices.  In the webinar, Revenue.io CEO Howard Brown and RingLead CEO Donato Diorio will break sales voicemails down into a science. You’ll learn how to prepare for sales voicemails, how to measure voicemail ROI and how to optimize voicemails to maximze call-backs. Prepare yourself for a fast-paced session featuring a variety of valuable takeaways, including:

  • How to get prospects to return your calls at least 90% of the time!
  • How to craft the perfect voicemails
  • How to score voicemail success
  • How to coach your sales team to be voicemail all-stars

RingLead will also give you a sneak peak of their latest sales enablement tool, Capture! which, along with Revenue.io, can help you capture more data in Salesforce than ever. We will also give a demonstration of our voicemail automation tool that can save each rep on your team more than an hour a day by completely automating sales voicemails.


About the Presenters

Howard BrownHoward Brown
Co-founder & CEO, Revenue.io

Howard Brown is a recognized authority on metrics-driven sales and marketing management. He has built several successful technology businesses in the last 16 years. He thrives on innovation with a relentless focus on customer success and bottom line results. As Founder and CEO of Revenue.io, Howard’s mission is to maximizes inside sales performance by helping inside sales teams qualify, connect with and convert more customers.



DonatoDiorioDonato Diorio
CEO, RingLead

Donato Diorio is the Acting CEO of RingLead with primary responsibility of combining the teams, technology and vision of RingLead and Broadlook Technologies. Donato started his career as a software engineer and quickly became a specialist in process automation. Software architect first, top billing recruiter second, Donato combined his two careers; technology and talent selection to found Broadlook Technologies in 2002.

A recognized thought leader and speaker on Data Quality and Recruitment; two diverse areas technology dependent and process-driven, Donato’s mantra is “Build technology that is the right balance between automation and human interaction.” Executing this vision has delivered consistent innovation for Broadlook and now the RingLead-Broadlook combination.

Register now for “How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail.”

To learn more about optimizing sales voicemails, download our free ebook How to Maximize Response Rates from Sales Voicemails.