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Watch How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail On Demand [Webinar]

Revenue Blog  > Watch How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail On Demand [Webinar]
2 min readAugust 7, 2020

Revenue.io CEO Howard Brown joined forces with RingLead CEO Donato Diorio to deliver a fast-paced webinar, How to Leave the Perfect Sales Voicemail.  Attendance was off the hook for this treasure trove of actionable, data-driven strategy tips for inside sales reps, managers and entrepreneurs.

The webinar is now available for free, on demand. If you’re like me, you’ll walk away pumped to not only improve your own voicemail game, but share that knowledge with the every sales rep at your organization.

Three Surprising Voicemail Statistics

A number of surprising (if not downright shocking) statistics came out of this webinar that really illustrate the urgency of adopting voicemail best practices.

  • A single sales rep spends 25 hours a month just leaving voicemails.

That’s a huge number! Consider also that a team of 50 sales reps would spend 1277 hours a month leaving voicemails. Since reps spend so much time leaving voicemails, it’s absolutely vital to ensure that your reps are leaving great ones that will both impress and spur engagements. In the webinar, Howard and Donato both reveal some vital tactics for how to score and improve voicemails across an entire sales organization.

  • 11% of calls get a response on a first attempt, 22% on a second attempt & 33% on a third attempt

Donato revealed this statistic that proves that persistence pays off! If your reps are giving up after only one voicemail attempt, they are probably giving up to soon!

  • The best times to leave voicemails are Wed-Thus 6:45-9:00am or 4:00-6:00pm

Inspired by an MIT study, Howard revealed that these time windows yielded the highest response rates, in addition to revealing the worst times to leave sales voicemails. He also demonstrated how to track the success of voicemails in Salesforce, and how to A/B test voicemail messages in order to maximize their effectiveness.

These stats reflect only a fraction of the knowledge revealed in this webinar. Watch our free webinar on demand and quickly learn how to build a sales voicemail strategy that maximizes response rates.
