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The top sales performers don’t do what you think

Revenue Blog  > The top sales performers don’t do what you think
3 min readAugust 6, 2020

If you’re not one of 54.3% of sales reps that meet or exceed their sales goals, you’re probably wondering how to become one. You may think it requires constant pitching, non-stop prospecting, and continuously pushing towards a close. If so, you’re wrong.

Top-performing sales reps get that way by doing things very differently. They do all the right things, but top sales performers aren’t doing what you think. Here’s what these star salespeople are doing to stay on top.

Leverage their resources

It typically takes teamwork to effectively drive sales and the most successful sales reps know who to ask for help at each stage of the sales cycle. It may be marketing for special content or an executive to assist with negotiations. Whatever they need, they know how to use all the tools at their disposal to get the deals done.

Have a can-do attitude

There are always going to be obstacles along the way. Star reps don’t let those stop them in their tracks. They find a way to overcome all the objections, get past the toughest gatekeepers and connect with the most elusive executives to initiate the sales process. Then they artfully advance highly qualified prospects to a successful close.

They’re experts

Today, more than ever, it’s critical that you be an expert in your prospects’ industries, day-to-day jobs, their typical challenges, and your product. Plus, it’s necessary to keep current since this information continually changes. This is crucial for formulating the best solution, building trust, and closing happy long-term customers.

Focus on building long-term relationships

Top sales performers know that it’s not all about the numbers. They are focused on getting to know their prospects and building long-term relationships with them. It’s the best way to deeply understand their goals and guide them toward attaining them. Plus, if they disqualify a prospect they’ve still established a winning relationship and a potential source of referrals.

They deliver value

Prospects and customers want sales reps who provide value on every sales call. And, that’s exactly what these top performers are doing. By becoming an expert, doing their research and listening intently, they’re able to provide the insights or information desired by prospects through the buyers’ journey. In fact, they become a resource prospects look forward to interacting with.

Want to help others

Whether it’s disqualifying a prospect and directing them to a better solution, giving customers’ tips on how to optimize their use of your product or providing peer-to-peer coaching, star sales reps strive to help others. They always seem to find the time to do additional research to find an answer or to listen to a team member’s call recording and provide feedback for improvement.

Manage their time effectively

To accomplish everything needed, top performers plan their days, weeks and months carefully to ensure they’re not wasting a moment. Their focus is taking the actions necessary to succeed efficiently and effectively.

They keep learning

The best sales reps know that they never know everything and that they are never done learning. Industries, technologies, and needs constantly change (sometimes very quickly) and in order to consistently be a top performer, they must constantly seek out new knowledge, review their performance, and improve their habits.

If you want to be a top sales performer, those are the things you need to do. So, take a close look at what you’re missing and start adjusting your actions. Soon you’ll be one of those star reps too!