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Revenue on Revenue: How Revenue’s Support Team Lead Uses ConversationAI Mobile to Coach, Reduce Ticket Volume, and Accelerate Case Resolution

Revenue Blog  > Revenue on Revenue: How Revenue’s Support Team Lead Uses ConversationAI Mobile to Coach, Reduce Ticket Volume, and Accelerate Case Resolution
3 min readApril 17, 2020

There isn’t anything personal about combing through a folder of call recordings, listening to a few, and then simply emailing feedback to a team member. And, if it were up to me, headset splitters would be outlawed. With the Revenue.io Conversation AI solution, I can take a more personalized and scalable approach to coaching the support team.

When I review my Support team’s customer calls, I want to ensure that they are entirely focused on our customer needs, but I also don’t want to hover over their shoulder to do so. Fortunately, at Revenue.io we can use the very same applications that we build. I use Revenue.io’s Conversation AI to catalog and listen to call support team member recordings and empower the team to do so as well. And now, with the Conversation AI Mobile App, it’s never been easier to do this from any place at any time.


I’m not the only one who feels strongly about the importance of coaching to accelerate team performance. According to the WorkHuman Research Institute: 2017 Survey Report: “When it comes to performance, employees are looking for more frequent check-ins, which ultimately enhance the manager-employee relationship.”

I’ve been able to leverage Conversation AI within our Support team to highlight the wins in conversations far more often, share additional resources to learn from, or be specific of where and when we missed the mark to drive improvements.

Charles Jacobs, author of Management Rewired, says that when we hear information that conflicts with our self-image, our instinct is to first change the information, rather than ourselves.

When leaving an annotation in Conversation AI, I highlight a point in the audio and insert my comments in place. That way, I can make sure that my team has the context available to them at the click of a button with any feedback I provide overlayed above. This provides a specific reference point to learn from, so reps have clear context of the feedback and can understand it that much better.


When a member of our team flags one of their own calls for review, I receive a notification to both my desktop and mobile app which I review at the end of every day.

It’s not always easy to carve out time to listen to phone calls. Between the time I spend at Revenue.io and on my own projects at home, there’s rarely a minute to spare. The flexibility of accessing Conversation AI through the mobile app has allowed me to supercharge my team even while cooking, folding laundry, or looking for that missing puzzle piece under the sofa.

VIP Support through Analytics

The pièce de résistance for me is being able to track mentions of Revenue.io features and other keywords in order to gauge volume of calls specific to each area of our platform. When drilling into these categories, I can more easily understand which products require additional support resources and take a proactive approach to authoring knowledge articles and internal resources for my team. This not only helps streamline the Support team, but also is good for overall company efficiency, as many team’s can refer to these articles for enablement purposes.

Building off of our keywords, I’ve also created saved searches which automatically notify me of calls with high interruptions or low sentiment when certain keywords or phrases are mentioned. This allows me to jump into action and follow up with these callers to proactively ensure any issues are remedied as soon as possible.

Always in the Loop

Conversation AI allows me to keep tabs on key accounts. To scale our high-touch approach within Support, I’m able to filter calls by Salesforce record and listen back to my own calls or those within my team. I’ll often review a business’s most recent support calls in order to bring myself up to speed with any recent concerns before strategic calls.

Through daily use of Conversation AI, I feel that I’ve grown as a leader and helped my team become more effective in supporting our users.

If you’re a ConversationAI customer, download the ConversationAI mobile app today on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

To learn more about ConversationAI or any part of the Revenue.io platform, click here.
