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Revenue Is A Gartner Cool Vendor

Revenue Blog  > Revenue Is A Gartner Cool Vendor
3 min readJune 8, 2021

The traditional B2B sales process is broken.

Buyers want to spend less time with sales reps than ever. And yet, sales tenure, experience levels and engagement rates are all in freefall.

Years ago, Revenue.io founder & CEO Howard Brown knew that simply giving sales teams more tools with which they could crank out hundreds of spammy emails, calls and text messages each day was not the answer.

So he led the charge in developing a platform that would bust data silos, use AI to make sales more human, and quite literally guide teams toward faster growth and predictability. In doing so, Revenue.io customers now have the situational awareness and context they need to align with buyers to solve real problems at scale.

Less guesswork, more selling. And our customers aren’t the only ones who noticed.

I’m incredibly excited to announce that Revenue.io has been officially recognized as a Gartner Cool Vendor (download the report!). Gartner defines Cool Vendors as impactful, intriguing and innovative, enabling customers to do things they couldn’t do before.

This is a momentous day for all the developers and product managers who have helped develop the platform that Gartner recommends to “drive improved operational efficiency and revenue capture from sales, marketing and customer success teams.”

Why Does This Matter?

This is especially important for a few reasons.

First, Gartner is the most influential enterprise research organization in the world with some of the most brilliant analysts I’ve ever met. The smartest companies look to Gartner for advice about how they should be building their revenue teams.

Second, until there’s a Magic Quadrant for our category, this is amazing validation for the value we offer.

Finally, Gartner has identified how essential adopting a RevOps model is for revenue generation.

According to Gartner:

We know that companies that have aligned revenue teams are driving significantly more revenue and are substantially more profitable. This recognition isn’t just validation for Revenue.io; it’s validation for the entire RevOps movement.

Because companies can’t wait years or even months to start seeing results. Enterprise companies expect to see significant wins that move the needle in 30, 60 or 90 days.

How Cool are Results?

Our amazing customers knew Revenue.io was cool long ago. In a platform that delivers literally everything a sales team needs to drive revenue faster, our customers are realizing transformative results worldwide:

  • Increase sales opportunities by 400%
  • Reduce new rep ramp time by 60%
  • Slash rep churn by 75%
  • Double the number of reps managers can coach
  • Dramatically improve sales productivity without adding headcount

Gartner says that Revenue.io solves the problem of aligning

In a world with more noise than ever, you can’t get results like those without using AI to make sales more human. And that’s especially true for SDRs, who have notoriously short tenure and difficult jobs. As Gartner wrote, “SDR leaders looking to drive improved virtual-selling techniques with higher degrees of client empathy should care about Revenue.io.”

Download the Report

Looking for an all-in-one platform for sales engagement, conversation intelligence and coaching & training? Check out why we’re cool in this Gartner Report, or better yet, reach out to us directly to see how we can help.

Revenue.io is more than a technology platform. It’s a movement.
