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Revenue Customers Have Made 4 Million Calls

Revenue Blog  > Revenue Customers Have Made 4 Million Calls
2 min readFebruary 10, 2020

When TechCrunch erroneously declared that “the phone call is dead” way back in 2010, we knew something they didn’t. While personal call volume was declining in lieu of text messaging, we were certain that business calls were actually becoming more important. And like so many substantially premature death declarations (email, SEO, American manufacturing and the Twinkie), reports of the phone call’s demise were greatly exaggerated.Four million sales calls

I’m happy to announce that since launching our Intelligent Dialer in late 2013, we have processed four million customer calls. Given our rapid growth, the five millionth call mark is already rapidly approaching.

It turns out that in this world of tweets, chats, spam and gated content, there’s really no substitute for an educated sales rep on the other end of the phone.

So who’s making and taking all these calls? Inside sales teams from tech companies are connecting with hot prospects. Patients are contacting their doctors and treatment centers. Home buyers are calling real estate brokers. And the list goes on and on.

What’s really exciting is all the ways customers are making and taking these calls. Many of our customers conduct all their business in their web browser via our Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce. Some of those are using our local area code dialing solution. Still others are on SIP-based phones. And courtesy of the Revenue.io mobile app, some of those sales calls are taking place over iPhones and iPads.

While our product has evolved into a full-featured sales acceleration engine, two core things haven’t changed. The first is our commitment to delivering the best possible productivity, contextual data and communications solution for inside sales teams using Salesforce. We spend a lot of time making sure that our Salesforce integration is the best in the business. Your sales team should never have to slow down in order to speed up.

The second is our mission to help our customers reach their full potential. We love it when customers tell us they’ve doubled their productivity, tripled their call connectivity rate and blown sales through the roof as a result. Going forward, we’ll continue providing the education and technology that our current and future customers need to succeed.