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Join Revenue at the TOPO Virtual Summit

Revenue Blog  > Join Revenue at the TOPO Virtual Summit
1 min readOctober 5, 2020

The TOPO Virtual Summit an exclusive virtual conference for sales, sales development, and marketers. This three day event is formed around the TOPO framework for revenue growth, stabilize, reinvent, and grow, and a major focus on the growth stage.

Keynote sessions include:

  • The New Framework for Revenue Growth in 2021 with Craig Rosenberg, the Co-founder and Chief Analyst at TOPO
  • Our Best Is Beyond Us with Kristina Kuzmic, Author & Entertainer
  • TOPO Analysts Predict 2021 Will Be a New Year for Revenue Teams with Craig Rosenberg
  • Extreme Value: Key to Meeting Revenue Targets in 2021 with Kristina McMillan, VP of Research at TOPO

Sessions are all organized by topic, so marketers, RevOps, and sales can each pick their own track on marketing, revenue, sales effectiveness, or sales development, or mix and match!

Be sure not to miss “Drive Bigger Deals by Improving Live Call Execution” with Andy Paul, Host of the Sales Enablement Podcast, Jake Spear, Sr. Sales Operations Manager at Revenue.io, and Kristina McMillan, VP of Research at TOPO.

In their session, the trio will cover TOPO research shows that live call execution is still one of the top challenges for sales leaders. They discuss why conversations left in the hands of reps with various experience and training levels, it can also become inefficient or unpredictable.

Learn how technology has changed sales and what they have learned by driving sales transformations across every facet of the revenue engine.

Register and get more info here:https://grow.topohq.com/home
