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3 Ways Sales Reps Can Use Call Recordings (Without Feeling Micromanaged)

Revenue Blog  > 3 Ways Sales Reps Can Use Call Recordings (Without Feeling Micromanaged)
3 min readFebruary 23, 2020

In the world of sales, call recording can be a touchy subject. Some management teams are incredibly passionate about utilizing them as they feel it gives them insight into their sales reps’ day-to-day activities. However, some management teams might worry that their sales reps will feel micromanaged if their calls are recorded. If that’s the case, here are three ways that your reps can use sales recordings on their own without feeling like they are being micromanaged by higher-ups.

Taking Notes

Multitasking is a valuable skill for any employee, but as a rep,  you should be 100% focused on each and every sales conversation. Especially since a big part of why customers will by your solution is you. Focusing heavily on your conversation can make taking notes a challenge. When people think “call recordings” their mind often goes straight to coaching. Which isn’t wrong by any means and is actually extremely powerful, but call recordings are actually a huge resource. They enable you to go back and listen to an entire call (or the important bits and pieces) and take more detailed notes. One great thing about Revenue.io call recordings is they’re also transcribed. So on top of being uploaded into the Salesforce activity history in real time, you don’t need to worry about listening to a lengthy conversation when you can skim and scan to the relevant information.

Quality Assurance

At some point or another, we’ve all been in a “he said she said” situation in sales. As an example, a prospect might insist he was quoted a better price than what you offered. It can put a pit in your stomach and also can take away your credibility as a sales rep. That ability to go back and listen to a phone inspires confidence can help you breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that you can prove you did the right thing. Call recordings with Revenue.io are stored indefinitely, so no matter how long your sales cycle is, you can be confident that your word is your bond.

Handing Over Opportunities

Some sales teams are split into two areas: Business Development Representatives (BDRs) and Account Executives (AEs). This usually means a BDR is cold calling or working with inbound marketing leads and qualifying them, before handing them off to the AE for the next step in the sales cycle. At this point in the sales cycle, call recordings can have multiple uses. Part of this ties back into taking notes. As thorough as we all like to be, sometimes it’s the little details that get missed that are most crucial to closing a deal. And the ability for an AE to be able to listen to a call, they can hear every detail and focus on what is most relevant to moving the deal forward. Additionally, by listening to a live conversation with their potential opportunity, they can gauge what type of persona they’re working with and adjust their messaging accordingly.
