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How to Maximize Outbound Sales Call Volume In a World Without Autodialers

Revenue Blog  > How to Maximize Outbound Sales Call Volume In a World Without Autodialers
2 min readDecember 4, 2020

The more you call, the more you sell. In order to maximize productivity, many inside sales teams in the past used autodialers to make robocalls. However, new TCPA rules have greatly limited the legal use of autodialer technology. This has created a new pain point for inside sales teams across the U.S., as inside sales reps are struggling to maximize productivity while complying with the new regulations, and many companies are looking for new solutions and processes.

What are the new TCPA Regulations Limiting The Use of Autodialers?

violet grunge retro vintage isolated sealThe Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was passed in 1991 in order to protect the privacy of consumers from telemarketers. Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) appended the TCPA, extending additional regulations.  To briefly sum up the new rules, effective October 16 2013, businesses need express written consent in order to:

  • Make a telemarketing call to a mobile line using an autodialer
  • Leave a pre-recorded voicemail message on a cellular or landline
  • Send an SMS/text message

In addition, the new TCPA rules remove the so-named “established business relationship” exemption. This means that even if your company has done business with someone in the past, you still need to adhere to the new regulations.

Maximizing Sales Productivity While Complying With the TCPA

The last thing your business needs is a class action lawsuit on its hands. It’s important to note that the TCPA has not outlawed  sales calls. It offers a clear exemption that sales calls can be made to mobile devices as long as they are manually dialed. That being said, here are a couple of ways to comply with the regulations while maximizing productivity.

Clean Up Lead Lists

You can still use your autodialers as long as you are sure that they are dialing landlines. That being said, if you can be certain that a lead list is free of mobile numbers, then autodialers can still be effective. However, I consider this practice precarious, because it’s difficult to be sure of whether your lead’s numbers dial landlines or mobile phones. It only takes one error to spawn a lawsuit, so I advise a tremendous amount of caution.

Use Click-to-Call from Salesforce and GMail

Our browser softphone solution or inside sales can help your reps power through call-down lists while still saying within compliance. Revenue.io enables inside sales reps to dial leads directly from any Salesforce.com lead view. Calling leads is as simple as clicking a button, enabling reps to power through leads with autodialer-like velocity while still saying in compliance. You can also click to call leads directly from GMAIl.

The softphone offers the added benefit of providing reps with contextual data about prospects from sources like Twitter, Google AdWords and more. This enables reps to get a bird’s eye view of each prospect before dialing, making it easier than ever before to close deals.

Try our browser softphone for free!