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3 Great Reasons to Make Calls from your iPad

Revenue Blog  > 3 Great Reasons to Make Calls from your iPad
2 min readNovember 1, 2020

Revenue.io for iPadWe’d like to thank our early adopters for all the feedback we’ve been receiving since launching Revenue.io Free for Salesforce. We’re hearing a lot about increased productivity and fun. Here’s what we’ve been hearing:

Revenue.io Slashes Call Prep Time

Sales reps spend 24% of their time researching to prepare for sales calls, according to a recent CSO insight report. Revenue.io for iPad saves users time by providing immediate access to a prospect’s Salesforce.com record, relevant company news and social media feeds before, during and after any call. In other words, you’re no longer in a web browser toggling between Salesforce.com, Twitter, Facebook, Chatter and news sites. Our customers are spending less time conducting research, and more time closing deals.

Revenue.io Ends Manual Logging Activity

One of the initial customer questions about our mobile CRM experience was about how Revenue.io would handle the inevitable followup work needed after a sales call. If Revenue.io was used in the field, would reps then have to spend time logging call activities and notes manually into Salesforce.com? Thankfully, the answer is no. Whether you use Revenue.io on the go or as a replacement to your desktop phone, Revenue.io employs Salesforce Automation to eliminate followup work. Calls and emails are aut0-logged as activities, and call notes and tasks are automatically appended to records. For agents that like to bring their own iPad to work, these management-friendly features make it a win for CIOs looking for BYOD-approved apps.

Making Calls on an iPad is Just Plain Cool

Revenue.io Free is a great way to wow colleagues and friends. Whether you’re the boss or an employee, one thing is clear: using your iPad as a phone has a certain “wow” factor.  Think about that the next time you want to impress someone in the office. Beware, however – it’s also habit forming. Once you start making calls on your iPad, you might have a hard time going back to your old desk phone.


2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io