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Revenue is Here to Support You, from CEO Howard Brown

Revenue Blog  > Revenue is Here to Support You, from CEO Howard Brown
2 min readMarch 12, 2020

As companies and other organizations make swift operational changes during this global health crisis, Revenue.io is taking steps to help our customers put the safety of their employees first while continuing to operate normally.

If your team is not already working remotely or distributed across multiple locations, we want you to know that we are ready to help you get there swiftly. Long before the COVID-19 outbreak, Revenue.io was designed to support remote teams across the globe with a wide variety of technical and operational challenges. Revenue.io currently supports customers across five continents, offering 24/7 support for teams operating across dozens of countries. We remain ready and committed to helping you navigate any challenge you might face.

Complimentary Remote Work Consultation

We are committed to helping customers prioritize the health and safety of their employees while carrying out business as usual. Our teams were already equipped with our own platform for seamless communications and enhanced productivity. That made it easy for us to make the decision to have 100% of Revenue.io employees work virtually to help prevent the risk of infection. In addition, we have canceled all employee travel for the next several weeks. Most importantly for customers, our success and support teams are operating without interruption.

The vast majority of Revenue.io customers operate worldwide with just a laptop and an Internet connection. Most remote users can be onboarded in a matter of minutes. We also offer a deep feature set for remote management, analytics and communications that your team may not be aware of. Should you be moving entire teams to remote locations for the first time, or simply need to increase your management capabilities, we are available to advise on capabilities that can make the transition virtually seamless. For help, simply reach out to your Revenue.io Customer Success Manager or contact us at support@revenue.io.

Next Steps

Revenue.io has formed a task force that meets regularly to ensure that we are abreast of the latest news affecting employees, customers and partners. In addition, we are accelerating innovations that will specifically help remote teams be more productive and successful. We will continue to be proactive, agile and decisive in our actions so that we will all get through this crisis together.


Howard Brown

Revenue.io founder and CEO Howard Brown






Founder & CEO
