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How to Leave the Perfect Voicemail Every Single Time

Revenue Blog  > How to Leave the Perfect Voicemail Every Single Time
4 min readMarch 17, 2022

Learning to create strong, unique voicemails is highly advantageous for SDRs, AEs and CSMs alike. Specifically, personalizing your voicemail drops is a fantastic way to enhance your sales strategy and stand out amongst your competitors. And yet, many sales reps report struggling with this task. 

We at Revenue.io understand the challenges of producing perfect voicemails, which is why our RingDNA Dialer includes a feature designed to remove the common barriers to voicemail productivity. 

Making and Managing Voicemails with RingDNA 

ln your RingDNA Dialer, navigate to the settings tab and then to Voicemail Drop, the third tab on the settings page. In the video, you can see that Anna has about 10 different voicemail drops. Back when she was an SDR, she had closer to 14. This brings us to our most important tip for voicemail design: variety.

Having several variations of your voicemail drop ready to go is a lucrative asset to personalizing voicemails at scale. By creating targeted voicemail messages for different types of leads, you will raise your chances of winning deals by creating a memorable, more positive experience for all of your prospects. 

Choosing Strategic Categories

To keep things organized, we recommend grouping voicemails within the dialer by common attributes that matter to you. For example, you may want to group your voicemails by their target audiences, or personas. This way, a VP of Sales you’re reaching out to won’t hear the same voicemail message as someone from RevOps, offering thoughtful attention toward specific leads (and, accordingly, more leads for you). 

How you organize is up to you. You may prefer to group voicemails by categories like industry, verticals, geographic area, or something unique to your job. The sky’s the limit with how you can sort and group in the RingDNA Dialer, because there’s no restrictions on the number of voicemail drops that you can record. 

That being said, there are a few grouping methods that tend to work best for most sales reps. Here are some of our favorites:

1) Grouping by Persona

As mentioned above, grouping by persona is a smooth and successful approach to planning and producing excellent voicemail drops. Not only will you have an easier time addressing the unique needs and concerns of different prospects, but they will feel more heard and attended to, as well. 

2) Grouping by Lead Source

Another angle that we find useful is to sort by lead source. A prospect who submitted a pricing request may entail an entirely different sales approach from an event attendee, for instance. In the video, Anna implements three different voicemail drops for demo request forms alone. Again, there is no limit to the number of voicemail drops you can record. So, if you are making more than three calls, or leaving more than three voicemails, then recording multiple voicemails per outreach type is a surefire way to create a unique experience for your customers.

3) Grouping by Stage of Outreach

Beyond persona and lead source, the timing of your calls matters, too. As time passes and you progress through the sales cycle, your messages should reflect those changes. The reality is if you left the same voicemail on three (or four, or five…) different phone calls, it would seem unnatural and robotic. Instead, by having a variety of voicemails at your disposal, not only are you contributing to that unique customer experience, but you’re also able to capitalize on the passage of time itself. 

As an example of how to combine these three strategies, Anna shares how her voicemails differ based on who she’s calling and where they are in the sales cycle. For demo request forms, she might say something like, “Hi. This is Anna at Revenue.io. Thanks for reaching out today.” On her second voicemail, she might transition to, “Hey, Anna again, at Revenue.io. Tried giving you a call yesterday. I was hoping I could catch you today.” Since it’s the second message and a relationship has been established, she is able to integrate these details into her new voicemail. And for the third call, she might acknowledge the passing of time as well as their working relationship, adding in a comment such as, “Hey, it’s been about a week.” Staying relevant, relatable, and reverent will really help keep voicemails personal and real. 

Make It Your Own

At the end of the day, there are so many different ways that you can get creative with your voicemail drops. The key to organizing voicemail drops effectively is to figure out which distinguishing factors are most salient for you. Consider your specific customers as well as your own career goals, and devise outreach around sales cadence best practices. 

This exercise will help you use your voicemail drops to maximize the output of your work over time, enabling you to work at your best with several types of leads, at every point in the sales cycle. And in our experience with personalizing voicemail drops, a little work goes a long way.

Interested in learning more? 

For more information on what a best-in-class sales dialer looks like, check out the RingDNA Dialer by Revenue.io.


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