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Be 50% More Productive with Revenue’s Mobile CRM App

Revenue Blog  > Be 50% More Productive with Revenue’s Mobile CRM App
3 min readJanuary 8, 2020

We are constantly working to ensure that Revenue.io’s mobile CRM apps improve sales efficiency. Our latest update focuses on helping agents access important information quicker, while our Salesforce automation features save time between sales calls. By our count,  Revenue.io Free for Salesforce can save a dozen or so discreet steps with sales followup tasks, which can double productivity. Here are some ways that Revenue.io can help you.

Cut Follow-Up Time in Half with Sales Process Automation


Hand with a stopwatch.It’s been proven that agents that follow up with their leads more times close more deals. From a single platform agents can return calls, send follow-up emails and stoke leads with well-timed phone calls. Our upcoming Google Maps widget even helps agents schedule in-person meetings. But Revenue.io’s biggest time-saver isn’t something is enables you to do, but rather something that it helps you avoid.

One of the most frustrating follow-up activities is manually logging activities in your CRM. The time I spent working in telephone sales taught me that it often requires a lot of mental energy to maintain consistent standards of communication. Simply put, it’s not easy being “on” all the time. When I had to spend countless minutes between conversations logging every call, email and task, not only did it take away from the time I spent closing deals, but I also found that it broke up my momentum when I was on a hot streak.

Revenue.io’s mobile CRM tool is designed to help sales professionals do what they should be best at: closing. Since Revenue.io mobile fully syncs with Salesforce.com, it allows agents to make and take calls, send follow-up emails, and close deals on the go without having to take the extra time to log activities in Salesforce.com. Spending more time selling and less time entering data makes for happy agents and supervisors.

Find the Right Contact Right Away

Mobile CRM App

Our in-app search ensures that agents can quickly access CRM records while in the field. Not only have we made our search even faster, but we now enable you to switch between viewing all of your company’s contacts and just your contacts using the “my:” filter.

Save Time with our Built in Social Monitoring Tool

Mobile CRM App for Salesforce

There’s been a lot of talk about the importance of monitoring social activity by using social CRMs. Revenue.io enables you to mine contacts’ social media feeds for actionable talking points in the same app that you can use to access CRM data and make and take sales calls. Has a contact broadcast a need for a solution your company offers on their Twitter feed? Find out in seconds without having to employ another social monitoring tool.

So try the new and improved Revenue.io Free for Salesforce. We look forward to hearing how much time our mobile CRM app saves you.

2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io.