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Reject Complacency

Revenue Blog  > Reject Complacency
2 min readSeptember 16, 2021

Complacency is a killer in sales.

I came across this piece of art in Rockefeller Center on a morning walk with my wife.

It’s Jaume Plensa’s “Behind the Walls,” part of the Frieze Sculpture public art installation.

It’s a powerful piece in person. It forces you to stop and think.

What are each of us willfully choosing not to see in our lives?

I see this statue as an indictment of complacency.

Complacency is a killer in sales.

Sales is all about change. Buying is an act of change. Selling facilitates that change.

Buying and selling take place in a world that continues to rapidly change.

Success requires that you grow your capabilities at least as fast as the world around you changes, or risk being left behind.

If you’re not conscious every single day of the need to learn something new to change how you sell and grow as an individual, then you’re in the wrong job.

Let me give you the example of one of my coaching clients.

FC’s an experienced individual contributor who sells for a SaaS company. She sells to some of their largest accounts.

FC is a top producer by any definition. She earns a solid six-figure income from her hard work.

However, she isn’t complacent and resting on her laurels. Just the opposite.

She recognized that there were parts of her sales game that she needed to improve. To better serve her buyers and her company. And, to win more.

So, she hired a performance coach to help her get even better.

We use our coaching sessions to help her elevate and fine-tune various aspects of her selling.

FC is at the top of her game. Yet, she is anything but complacent.

She’s a true professional continuing to diligently work to hone her craft.

So, let me ask you a question.

If you’re not actively investing in getting better, like FC is, who is more likely to win when you have to compete against her on your next sales opportunity?

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