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Is AI-powered coaching the next must-have sales technology?

Revenue Blog  > Is AI-powered coaching the next must-have sales technology?
1 min readJanuary 11, 2021

Every rep knows what it’s like to make a mistake during a call that costs them a deal. But what if you could automatically warn reps right before they make a mistake, and more importantly, keep them from making the same ones over and over again? It may sound like science fiction, but thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, AI-powered coaching can now warn reps when they’re about to botch a call and tell them how to take corrective action.

Join our panel of experts including Howard Brown, Andy Paul, and Ryan Vaillancourt for an on-demand webinar that examines the next frontier in sales coaching: AI-powered coaching. The panel will also reveal best practices for using AI-powered coaching to drive more revenue in 2021.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How AI-powered coaches are transforming sales coaching
  • The secret to winning more competitive deals using AI
  • 5 ways AI-powered coaches can prevent botched sales calls
  • How AI-powered guidance can help even new reps can overcome sales objections like seasoned pros

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see the most transformative sales technology of 2021!
