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See Revenue CEO Howard Brown Present on Contextual Data at CloudExpo

Revenue Blog  > See Revenue CEO Howard Brown Present on Contextual Data at CloudExpo
1 min readOctober 30, 2020

We’re excited to announce that our Founder and CEO Howard Brown will be presenting at this year’s Cloud Expo. Cloud Expo, which focuses on ways that cloud computing is transforming enterprises, is being held November 4-6 at the Santa Clara Convention Center.

As we all know, any amount of data is useless unless it’s delivered intelligently, to the right person, and in the right context. Accordingly, one of the prominent themes at Cloud Expo this year is how enterprises can utilize Big Data to be more successful. Howard’s presentation,  How Context Will Solve the Big Data Problem for Sales and Marketing, speaks directly to the increasing need for enterprises to not only capture data about prospects, but also deliver to the right employees in the proper context.

In his presentation, Howard will reveal how contextual real-time data delivery can improve customer conversion rates, help sales reps close more deals, and much more. He’ll show examples of how various solution providers are making his happen across enterprise companies.

If you’re going to Cloud Expo, be sure to check out Howard’s presentation. And if you haven’t registered for Cloud Expo yet, there’s still time. It’s a fantastic forum to learn first-hand from industry experts which solutions are reshaping the enterprise, and what questions you need to ask when evaluating new solutions.