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Dear CMOs: Ignoring RevOps is a Huge Mistake

Revenue Blog  > Dear CMOs: Ignoring RevOps is a Huge Mistake
4 min readNovember 1, 2021

The case for how RevOps can help B2B companies has reached a fever pitch. 

Sessions focusing on various aspects of the movement can be found at nearly every sales conference. Simultaneously, Forrester and Gartner—the analysts that advise all your customers on strategies and technology adoption—have also rolled out a steady drumbeat of RevOps research. 

CEOs have obviously bought in as well. According to Gartner, up to 75% of enterprise companies are planning to embrace a RevOps model by 2025.

Meanwhile, the marketing community has been comparatively quiet about the subject. That’s a huge miss. ringDNA is so bullish on RevOps being the key to revenue growth, in fact, that we’ve spent the last few years evolving our platform from a dialer product to a comprehensive RevOps solution that powers your entire revenue team. 

We’re also debuting a new brand name and identity today as Revenue.io, the leading RevOps solution for real-time guidance.  And we recently launched The RevOps Podcast as a way to educate marketers, sellers, CX teams and operations pros on how to align revenue teams into a cohesive revenue unit. 

As a marketer, I’ve seen firsthand how a RevOps model can increase ROI and deliver the unified alignment across sales, marketing and CX that we’ve always dreamed of. Here’s what else my colleagues hesitant to embrace RevOps should know.

RevOps is Really About Customers 

Maybe you’ve heard “r” referred to as merely a fancy new job title. Or maybe that it’s just a trendy initiative within B2B operations teams. I assure you: This is not a trend. RevOps is about structuring your people, processes and technology in a way that allows you to give buyers and customers experiences they actually want. 

Already, 83% of the buyer journey is seller-free. Why, you ask? Consider how B2B buyers feel about the state of their experience:

So how does RevOps solve this? 

A true RevOps model transforms sales, marketing and CX teams with real-time insights, next-best-actions and continuously optimized workflows that improve performance and create great buyer and customer experiences.   

That means that sales reps always have the same information about buyers and customers that marketing and CX does. They’re equipped with real-time insights to answer buyer questions, forge solid relationships and improve win rates through better customer experiences. 

Ultimately, that means your marketing budget and efforts are going to drive more revenue. But there’s one more thing you should know….

The Old Model of Sales Enablement is Over

My go-to-market team can attest to the fact that no one is a bigger proponent of sales enablement than I. And to be clear, lead generation, ABM, competitor battlecards and other things you did to better align marketing and sales aren’t going away anytime soon. 

But searching for content, answers and objection handling tips post-call simply doesn’t cut it any more. True sales enablement means adopting a RevOps approach where real-time guidance is surfaced to reps in moments that matter—not after the fact.  

Improving performance through post-meeting analysis and better training has ruled the landscape for the past few years, and these techniques still hold value. But in-the-moment guidance helps sales reps, especially newly hired ones, deliver a better buying experience and customer experience. 

For example: When your reps are asked how you compare to your biggest competitor, AI-powered guidance can serve up the killer battlecards, product videos and talking points your team created as a real-time talk track… and “wow” buyers. That AI could also recommend a case study based on a pain point mentioned by a prospect, or even remind reps to take a break and ask questions if they’ve been talking for most of the call. 

This helps your frontline reps focus on creating meaningful connections with the people they’re interacting with, much in the same way that in-car navigation helps drivers focus on driving in a brand new city. 

A tightly aligned RevOps strategy, backed by AI-powered guidance, ensures that reps are empowered with the content, knowledge and coaching they need to succeed at the exact moment they need it. 

Now that’s what I call sales enablement. And if you’re still unsure about the ROI of a RevOps approach, simply ask the three-quarters of companies who are planning to adopt it within the next few years. Getting left behind simply isn’t worth the risk. 

See for yourself how we’re helping revenue teams unlock exponential growth with the leading RevOps solution for real-time guidance. And best of luck in Q4 of this year.