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The 16 Best B2B Marketing Strategy Blogs

Revenue Blog  > The 16 Best B2B Marketing Strategy Blogs
5 min readSeptember 28, 2020

The Best B2B Marketing BlogsWe B2B marketers don’t just need to be great storytellers. We also need to be well-versed in the strategies, tactics and tools needed to capture meaningful data and enable sales. The best B2B marketers understand sales processes and know how to not just optimize lead flow, but empower Sales to close bigger deals and better deals, faster than ever. It’s easy to see why there are so many blogs offering strategic insights to marketers. Simply put, marketers read online resources because we have to. Whether your focus is on email, lead generation, branding, content marketing or advertising, it’s important to be up on all the latest trends and technologies that can make you more successful.

However, the sheer volume of marketing resources available can make it difficult to find those that offer the most value. We’ve updated our list of amazing B2B marketing blogs with a newfound focus on sales enablement. The following blogs can help you establish a roadmap for optimizing marketing and sales ROI.

Knowledge Tree Blog

Knowledge Tree’s blog focuses on the point that sales and marketing intersect. Get ready for a deluge of insight on sales enablement, predictive analytics, content marketing, sales training and lots more. If you’re a full funnel marketer, KnowledgeTree’s blog is a must.


Bizible’s Pipeline Marketing Blog

Bizible’s blog is packed with B2B marketing tips on lead generation, sales enablement, content marketing and demand gen. Definitely a must-read for marketers looking for new strategic ways to power pipeline growth.


Sales enablement company SAVO has a fantastic blog that focuses on using content to enable sales. Articles cover improving content marketing ROI, how to use content to drive sales and empowering buyers on their journey. Overall, the blog is a great read for B2B marketers looking for new ways to use content to enable sales.

Tamara Schenk’s Blog

Tamara Schenk, research director for CSO insights, is one of the foremost thought leaders on B2b sales enablement. Her blog covers a diverse range of topics including lead management, sales enablement technology, as well as overall sales and marketing alignment.


Matt on Marketing

Matt Heinz, of Heinz Marketing, has more than 15 years of marketing experience, and has delivered measurable results for companies like Microsoft and The Seattle Mariners. On his blog Matt on Marketing he reveals strategies that can help virtually any B2B marketer improve their game.


Chief Martec

Few marketers understand the intersection of marketing and technology better than Chief Martec’s Scott Brinker. For actionable insights into how technology is shaping marketing strategy, management and engagement, we highly recommend Scott’s blog. As an example, read Scott’s thoughts on agile marketing.

Forrester Blog

Forrester is one of the most trusted analyst firms in the business and technology space. Their B2B marketing blog is packed with insights into how B2B marketers can engage customers effectively, improve customer experience and enable sales to be more successful.


Salesforce Marketing Blog

With the acuqisition of ExactTarget, Buddy Media, Radian6 and more, salesforce.com has been making a big play to be the go to software platform for B2B marketers. Their marketing blog features regular guest contributions from a variety of top marketing leaders.


Kapost Content Marketeer

Though Kapost’s blog doesn’t strictly serve a B2B audience, there is much to be gained by reading their posts on content marketing. The blog regularly features posts from a variety of worthy professionals, including top executives and visionary creatives. Check out these essential content marketing lessons.


The Wordstream Blog

The Wordstream Blog is one of the best places to read thought leadership around search marketing. This blog reveals how to target the right keywords, build better landing pages, drive inbound leads with content and more. They even feature a variety of posts on call tracking.


B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing is a great one-stop site for B2B marketing news as well as blogs on a variety of subjects including direct marketing, business development, CRM marketing, mobile marketing and more. For example, check out this post for some awesome stats about video marketing.


B2B Marketing Insider

Michael Brenner truly is a B2B marketing insider and a top thought leader. He’s currently the VP of Global Marketing at SAP. Prior to that, he worked with top brands at Nielsen. His blog focuses on global strategies and emerging trends across a cross-section of marketing topics including content marketing, alignment with sales, social media, mobile marketing and more. We especially encourage content marketers to read Mr. Brenner’s blog, as he really gets B2B content like few others.

BtoB Online

More than just a blog, BtoB is packed full of engaging articles on a variety of marketing topics. You could spend days digesting all of the rich content here and still be only skin-deep. In addition to an ongoing stream of B2B news articles, BtoB Online also offers whitepapers on topics like email marketing and lead generation, webcasts, and a blog that features insights from various top marketers.

Marketing Profs

Featuring articles and podcasts that touch on virtually every aspect of B2B Marketing, Marketing Profs is an essential resource for marketers of all experience levels. With even a cursory glance through their article feed, you’ll be sure to find an article that can help you develop sound methodologies. For example, search engine marketers should check out the recent article, “Days and Times with Highest Ad Click Through Rates.”

Marketo Blog

Most people would expect a prominent marketing tool like Marketo to have a blog that’s product-focused, but Marketo’s blog instead provides education across multiple marketing topics. You don’t have to use their product to benefit from their content. While it isn’t 100% B2B focused, many articles, such as, “How Every Marketer can Change Their Dirty Data Culture” and “Beyond Lead Generation: How to Use Content for Sales Enablement, Lead Nurturing and Retention” provide value to the B2B crowd.

Social Media B2B

An innovative social media strategy is now a must for just about any B2B marketer.  Social Media B2B, a collaboration between high-level marketing strategists Kipp Bodnar (Hubspot) and Jeffrey L. Cohen (Salesforce Marketing Cloud), offers tips to help improve social media ROI. In articles like “10 Ideas to Make Boring B2B Social Media Posts Captivating” and “Integration, Content and Analytics Drive B2B Digital Marketing Success,” Social Media B2B expounds on social media strategies that B2B marketers can use enliven engagement with leads and customers across a wide range of social media platforms.