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3 Reasons Why the Holiday Season is the Best Time for B2B Sales

Revenue Blog  > 3 Reasons Why the Holiday Season is the Best Time for B2B Sales
2 min readDecember 19, 2020

You may have heard that December is a bad time for B2B sales. You might think that companies don’t make purchasing decisions until
the new year. But I’ve found that a little extra effort in December can yield powerful returns. So if you’re looking to raise the roof on your end-of-year numbers, here are three reasons why ’tis the season to be selling.

Many Budgets Have to Be Spent by Year’s End

A lot of companies have budgets that have to be spent by the year’s end. As a result, we’ve been experiencing incredible inbound this month. But whether or not you have an influx of inbound leads this month, the inbound leads that you are getting may very well be more motivated to buy. We always advocate asking leads qualification questions regarding budget and implementation time frame. But toward the end of year, it’s crucial to find out whether leads need to purchase by year’s end. Buyers that are under the gun to allocate their budget should be prioritized and closed ASAP. Be aggressive! Chances are, if you drag your feet then they’ll go with a competitor.

There’s Less Competition

You may be thinking that your leads are going to be harder to reach this month. Guess what, your competition is probably thinking the same thing. So while they’re off on vacations chase as many leads as possible. One of the best things you can do is talk to a lead before they’ve spoken to the competition. We’ve found that reaching leads before our competitors do makes it a lot easier to close deals. And the dearth of competition this month can enable you to generate more of those highly valuable non-competitive opportunities.

Decision Makers are Planning for Next Year

December is a great time to reach out to decision makers. First of all, a lot of key decision are workaholics. While lower level employees are out skiing in Aspen, a lot of decision makers are in the office crafting their strategies for the year to come. They’re spending this month—as you are—reflecting on ways to be more successful next year. So consider reaching out to executive leads. If you have a really strong value prop, they just might be more interested in hearing it than during any other time of year.