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Yes, Revenue offers Robust Lightning Ready Telephony for Salesforce

Revenue Blog  > Yes, Revenue offers Robust Lightning Ready Telephony for Salesforce
2 min readJuly 27, 2020

Recently, we’ve been deluged with sales teams looking for a Lightning ready voice communications platform for Salesforce. It’s easy to understand why, since Lightning has a sexy interface and is slowly but steadily closing functionality gaps that exist with Salesforce Classic. Surprisingly, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about what’s possible in regards to telephony integration with Lightning.

The two biggest myths we’ve heard lately:

  • True enterprise CTI Integration is not possible with Salesforce Lightning
  • Click to call from leads, reports, tasks and opportunities is not possible with Salesforce Lightning

To set the record straight, those things are possible, and Revenue.io offers a Lightning ready and enterprise-ready voice communications platform for sales teams. I have to hand it to our product team, which has done an incredible job (and our conversations analytics look amazing in Lightning, by the way). And the reaction when showing just how Revenue.io works to some very experienced Salesforce consultants? You would have thought we proved that Bigfoot really exists.

So to set the record straight, here’s just a shortlist of commonly requested things that Revenue.io’s Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce and Lightning can do together:

  • Click to call from Salesforce tasks, opportunities, lead records and contact records in Lightning
  • Blitz through Salesforce lead lists with blazing speed in Lightning
  • Alert reps on inbound calls in Lightning with a single view of the caller’s email and call communication history, account history, content engagement and more
  • Record calls in Lightning (as well as control whether those recordings are one-sided or two-sided on a state-by-state basis)
  • Monitor calls and deliver a full suite of sales coaching and training tools

We won’t try to convince you that Bigfoot exists, but if you’d like to see how Revenue.io is not only Lightning ready, but also Enterprise-ready, contact us and we’ll set up a demo for you.