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How Tablets are Really Used in the Workplace [Infographic]

Revenue Blog  > How Tablets are Really Used in the Workplace [Infographic]
1 min readDecember 20, 2020

Remember the first time you saw a tablet in the workplace? For me, that was 2002’s Microsoft tablet, several years before Apple released the iPad. In both eras, corporate early adopters got a lot of questions thrown their way. What kind of work do you do on that? Is that thing really good for taking notes? Do you really call your contacts on that?

We’ve told you what our customers like to do on their iPads using Revenue.io. Now, thanks to this  infographic created by CDW, we have a pretty clear idea of how customers in four industries are using their tablets, and what they want to use them for in the future.

Here’s a quick index of what they said:

2.1 Hours Daily – the amount of time polled workers spent on their tablets for work

1.1 Hours Daily – the approximate amount of productivity gain through tablet usage

26% – approximate portion of total computing time spent on a tablet

2% – the percentage of respondents that reported using a tablet as their only work device

Tablets in the Workplace Infographic


