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Revenue Transforms the Chromebook 11 Into the Perfect Solution for Inside Sales

Revenue Blog  > Revenue Transforms the Chromebook 11 Into the Perfect Solution for Inside Sales
3 min readOctober 17, 2020

Google and HP have teamed up to release the new Chromebook 11. Not only does it boast a full-sized keyboard, but weighing 2.3 pounds, it’s about as portable as a pad of paper. At home, I’m a “Mac guy,” through and through.  And while there are occasions at work that I use  my Mac to run a specific application, when it comes right down to it, I spend most of my workdays in my Chrome browser, using Google Drive and other web-based apps.

The truth is that for many workers, the Chromebook is the perfect device, boasting the functionality required to get through many work-tasks, while offering extreme portability and a “you’re-crazy-NOT-to-buy-one” price tag.

Working for tech startups has certainly introduced me to some people who actually enjoy using as many devices as possible during a day. But I’ve always enjoyed efficiency and simplicity. The less devices I have to use, the happier I tend to be. Perhaps this kind of thinking is residual from my days as a sales rep, when I just wanted to spend as much time as possible prospecting and following-up with leads.

This got me thinking that by adding Revenue.io to a Chromebook 11, many inside sales reps could not only replace their enterprise desktop computers or bulkier laptops, but also their business phones. A Revenue.io-enabled Chromebook might just be the ultimate unified communications device for inside sales. And at $279, it’s the same price as one of Cisco’s IP phones.

Here are three reasons to consider replacing your deskphone with a Chromebook and Revenue.io.

Smarter Inside Sales Conversations

When I was working as an inside sales rep, I had one of those black Cisco office phones. The moment the phone rang, I didn’t know who was calling or why. I had to ask those questions. Revenue.io focuses on delivering features that help reps provide better customer experiences. With Revenue.io, reps can quickly browse a lead’s data from LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Chatter before, during and after calls. Our app also enables inside sales reps to know which marketing promotions trigger inbound calls before answering them. The result is that reps can have smarter, more personal conversations with customers, and solve pain points faster than ever before.

Power Down Call Lists in Salesforce

I remember days of making calls based on numbers that a receptionist had written on a post-it note and left on my desk. I also remember fumbling through a notebook trying to remember who I had already called and who I needed to call still. Revenue.io seamlessly connects to Salesforce.com, so thankfully those days are over for me now. Revenue.io enables you to call any lead from from any view in Salesforce. A single click launches our app which automatically delivers the prospects’ social feeds. And calling is as simple as a single click. This is enabling our inside sales reps to power through call-down lists in Salesforce faster than ever before.

Experience Better Collaboration

Salesforce.com doesn’t only help managers monitor their team – it also helps inside sales reps work together, and with other employees in order to close deals. We’ve found our Chromebooks to be a great tool for collaborating on deals using Salesforce. Reps can also use their Chromebooks to collaborate with other reps, managers and marketers on collateral and strategic documents using Google Drive. And with Revenue.io, that collaboration extends to calls. When taking inbound calls, reps can work leads from queues together. And during those crucial moments in calls, when reps need to reach out to other reps or a manager for help closing a deal, they can use Gmail to send emails and instant messages.

With Revenue.io, the new Chromebook might just be the most cost-effective business communications device on the planet. And as we continue to roll out features for our Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce app, we expect to see more than a few traditional desk phones collecting dust.


2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io
