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Our New Intelligent Dialer Transforms Salesforce.com Into a Truly Smart Phone

Revenue Blog  > Our New Intelligent Dialer Transforms Salesforce.com Into a Truly Smart Phone
2 min readSeptember 18, 2020

Ever wish that business phone on your desk was as smart as the one in your pocket? With our new Intellgent Dialer for Salesforce.com customers, it can be even smarter. Our softphone works as an extension in Google Chrome (the world’s number one browser) and syncs data with Salesforce.com (the world’s number one CRM), enabling you to make and take brilliant business calls. No need to plug anything into the wall – it’s 100% cloud-based.

How it Works

Imagine you’re an inside sales rep. To make calls, you’ll simply click on the Revenue.io beacon in your web browser to launch the app. Then type the name of any Salesforce.com contact or lead, and they’re data will be delivered to the Revenue.io intelligent dialer. In a single elegant interface, you’ll immediately see Chatter information about the account, as well as your contacts’ LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook updates. After scanning their feeds for actionable data, simply click the “call” button to initiate a sales conversation.

It’s that easy.

Browser softphone for inside sales by Revenue.io

Also, if you’re already working in Salesforce.com, simply click any phone number. The Intelligent Dialer will launch and begin dialing immediately. Thanks to our built-in social sales tools, you won’t be scrambling to search account history, Twitter or other sites before or during the call. We serve all that data up to you in real-time.

Enjoy Smarter Calls at the Office and On the Go

If you’re already using a Revenue.io iPhone or iPad app, you’ll be happy to know that you won’t need a new phone number. Your main Revenue.io number will follow you anywhere that you are, enabling you to take calls at your desk, or when you get up from your desk and take a walk. Wherever you are, we’ve got you covered.

Like our other great products for sales teams, you can also use our Chrome extension to rate calls, make notes, join call queues, and much more.

We’ve been using the softphone internally for several months, and have also been  private beta-testing it with a handful of customers. One of our favorite benefits is, like our other great apps, every call is automatically logged in Salesforce for you. That not only saves you a great deal of time, but also adds valuable call metrics that helps with your sales and marketing initiatives.

To get Revenue.io, download here -To sign up for an account, contact us.