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The 2022 Heroes of RevOps

A search for the world’s top B2B RevOps leaders!

Operations pros are often the unsung heroes of revenue teams. They help provide insights, optimize processes and align teams to provide customers with a unified experience across their journey. It’s time to give them the credit they deserve!

*Contest closed for submissions, winners will be announced December 8

A welcome message from RevOps Podcast host, Jordan Henderson

How It Works

Entry: If you’re a #RevOpsHero or would like to nominate someone on your team, we want to hear from you. All sales operations and marketing operations professionals are welcome, regardless of title.

We’ll be crowning a definitive list of RevOps heroes. Just take 5 minutes and tell us a story about a time that you (or the RevOps hero you’re nominating) either:

-Provided insights that drove better outcomes
-Optimized processes that helped align sales and marketing
-Increased sales efficiency, productivity or revenue

Decision: On November 24, 2021 our internal voting will close at 5pm PST. Our winners will be announced Wednesday Dec 8, 2021.

In addition to a grand prize winner, we will be honoring multiple #RevOps heroes with badges, so leaders with great stories have an excellent chance of making our list!


Our grand prize winner will win:
-A $500 Amazon gift card
-An appearance on the RevOps Podcast and the Sales Enablement Podcast
-An exclusive badge to share on LinkedIn and other social media sites proving that you’re the 2022 Revenue.io RevOps Champion
-Inclusion at the top of our list of Revenue.io 2022 RevOps Heroes
-Invitation to an exclusive meet-up for RevOps Leaders

Other winners will receive:
-Badges to share on LinkedIn and other social media platforms
-Inclusion in our list of Revenue.io 2022 RevOps Heroes
-Invitation to an exclusive meet-up for RevOps Leaders

Nominate Yourself or a Colleague

Nominate Now