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Why the Existing Sales Training Model is Broken. And How to Fix It, with Richard Ruff [Episode 240]

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Joining me for the second time is Richard (Dick) Ruff, of Sales Momentum, a top sales trainer and leading expert on major accounts selling.

Dick has authored many books, including Mastering Major Accounts Selling and is co-author with Neil Rackam, on Managing Major Sales. In this episode, Dick and I do a deep dive into the field of sales training. Among the range of subjects we cover are: why sales training needs to change, the inevitable changes in the future of sales training, and why companies need to invest in both sales training and sales education.


What’s the most powerful sales tool in your arsenal?

Past references.

Name the one tool or app you use for sales or sales management that you can’t live without.


Who’s your sales role model?

Neil Rackham.

What’s the one book that every salesperson should read? 

SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham.