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Why Sales Needs to Understand the Buying Process from the Inside Out w/ Michael Nick [Episode 235]

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In this episode Michael and I talk about how your customer’s process of gathering and evaluating information, and making decisions about products and services is evolving and how sales reps need to change with it.

Michael Nick is a Principal at Technology Finance Partners, founder of ROI4Sales and bestselling author of ROI Selling and Adapt or Fail: Process with Power. Michael shares why sales reps need to increase their business acumen to effectively communicate with decision makers and influencers. This is a must listen!

MORE ABOUT Michael Nick

What’s your most powerful sales attribute?

Probably the fact that I have books and I have the experience of doing all the things that I talk about.

Who is your sales role model?

David Sandler.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, by David H Sandler and John Hayes

What music is on your playlist right now?

Chuck Lange, a local artist in Wisconsin.

What’s the question you get asked most frequently by salespeople?

How do I open doors when people don’t answer?