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Transition, Transform, and Evolve: Moving to the Next Level of Your Life and Business w/ Steve Rodgers [Episode 176]

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In today’s episode, I talk with former CEO of Prudential California Realty, Steve Rodgers, about the 3 phases of life and business: transition, transform and evolve.

Steve Rodgers, consultant, speaker and author of From Lead to Gold: An entrepreneur’s guide through transition, transformation, and evolution. Tune in to hear how to change your lifestyle from being money-centric to purpose-centric.

Bullet Points

  • What is the premise behind From Lead to Gold?
  • Why is it hard for growing companies to maintain their culture and vibe?
  • How do you move from a mindset of money-centric to purpose-centric?
  • What are the signs entrepreneurs need to worry about in regards to burnout?
  • Learn about the three phases: transition, transform, and evolve.

Learn More About Steve Rodgers:

What’s your most powerful sales asset?


Who’s your sales role model?

Brian Tracy

Name one book that every sales person should read.

Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal by Oren Klaff

What’s your favorite music to get you pumped up?

James Taylor, Pink, Fleetwood Mac, and Rihanna

What’s the first sales activity you do every day?


What’s the most frequently asked question you get asked by salespeople?

How do I break through lagging profit and get to the next level of sales?

What’s one tool you use for you now sales management that you can’t live without?
