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05. Patrick Mulkey (Gordon Food Service, Director of Training and Enablement)

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What does it mean to sell with purpose? How can you bring immediacy and purpose to every conversation, no matter what you’re selling? What if success doesn’t just mean one more closed sale, but one more life saved?

Join Andy Paul (Host of Sales Enablement Podcast) and Patrick Mulkey (Gordon Food Service, Director of Training and Enablement) for a unique conversation exploring what it means to sell with purpose in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.

Learn how Gordon Food Service is successfully enabling their remote sales teams and why selling with a sense of purpose helps you form stronger and more impactful connections with customers.

Learn more about Selling with Purpose podcast.

Conversation Transcript

Andy Paul: Patrick, welcome to the show. 

Patrick Mulkey: Thanks for having me, Andy.

Andy Paul: You’re an experienced podcaster yourself. I understand. Cause you’ve got an internal podcast that you use for your, your sales team.

Patrick Mulkey: I dunno if I would describe it as experienced, but, uh, yes, we’ve started a, uh, an internal podcast for our sales team about a month ago. So, um, I’m getting more experienced, I guess you could say.

Andy Paul: Well, I think it’s. And so you started it and response to, I imagine so the COVID crisis, so people starting to work from home and so on. So what do you use your podcast for?

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. So it’s interesting that our sales team challenged us with we. At first we started a lot of webinars and updating them on. We’re in the food service industry. So selling to restaurants and such, and, uh, there’s a lot of updates on, uh, supply chain products, regulations for our restaurants. And, uh, sanitation is so many things cause that that industry was just hit real hard.

So yeah. We had a lot to communicate to our sales team and, and, you know, the webinars were just too long. They weren’t hitting them at the right time. And they wanted something that they could listen to at their own rate, um, at their own leisure when they wanted to. And so we just decided to try the podcast route and the feedback has been great.

Uh, we’re like 80% of them are I’ve. Our salespeople are listening to them. So we’re going to keep, we’re going to keep continuing it until they stop listening. How about that?

Andy Paul: Well, here’s a ladder. Keep going to get a hundred percent compliance and everybody’s listening to it or make sure they all listen to this podcast. That’d be good too. So, so Gordon food service, you sell food and beverages to gosh, everywhere, anywhere that serves food, basically. Right. So I imagine that when the shutdown started, there was a pretty dramatic change for you guys with restaurants, specifically restaurants going to zero.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. Think about this. Andy is we literally had our industry shut down overnight and I know a lot of, a lot of industries have felt the pain, but. Uh, when, when restaurants were shut down, um, and state started closing, uh, that’s it that’s all they had. They still could serve some to go and some takeout and delivery, but our business almost dropped the food service industry, uh, dropped almost 50% overnight.

Now we do have a lot of business with, uh, healthcares and hospitals. So those, those elevated those ramped up. But they got more difficult to deal with because of all regulations and you know, you can’t just walk in or the car to food, to a hospital anymore. So those, those got more complicated schools shut down as well.

So our business literally fell over 50% overnight for across the whole industry.

Andy Paul: Hmm. So how big of a company is Gordon food service?

Patrick Mulkey: Um, it’s we have, uh, Oh my gosh. We have about a thousand sellers across the U S and, uh, probably another 300 or so from, um, across the, uh, uh, Canada. We, we do, uh, well over well, over 10 billion in sales in North America.

Andy Paul: Wow. So. A thousand sellers know these traditionally people that are field-based based. I mean, do you have like, you know, route drivers that are selling as well, or is it independent Salesforce?

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, it’s a street-based Salesforce. Um, they are, our drivers just deliver the food. So our salespeople, um, you know, acquire new business, they, they grow existing accounts. Um, They their customer service agents. They take care of problems. They, they take orders themselves directly from the restaurants. Uh, we do, we do a lot digitally, right?

Half of our orders are processed digitally. So they’re kind of Jack of all trades and it’s a very belly to belly selling. Uh, we call it, um, you, you know, you’re in the restaurant and you’re having conversations with the owner, the chef. And, and you’re, you’re, like I said, actually taking orders directly from them.

So they do a little bit of everything. And man, when things were shut down, you couldn’t leave your home. Uh, that was a big change for our sellers.

Andy Paul: Yeah, I can imagine they were probably chomping at the bit to get out there. So how did, how did that transition go for you?

Patrick Mulkey: Oh, well, um, that was, that was tough. Um, we had to do some really quick training on how to adjust, I guess you could say selling virtually now. I remember a good chunk of the customers were, were closed. So, um, you know, a good chunk of the business just kind of went away, but so we had to immediately start training how to do a little bit more virtual selling, a little bit more phone selling.

Uh I’d like, uh, like I mentioned though, half of our orders were processed digitally anyway, so we really pushed on our customers to say, I can’t see ya. I can’t, you know, I can tell you over the phone, how would you like to place your order digitally? So we really ramped up making sure our sellers were well versed in our, you know, ordering online platform.

And, uh, that was our big push. So, uh, we really had to do a lot of training adjustment.

Andy Paul: Hmm. So as they look at now, we’re, I guess the first question is, is where your sellers are. They divided by it? You know? So I’m a restaurant, I’m a food service person. Yeah. I’m a hospital schools person. Are they divided that way? Or they cover all accounts.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, we say we have them segmented, uh, based off really two concepts. One is the commercial, what we call and that’s the restaurants, the hotels, all that kind of stuff. And then the non-commercial group, uh, they handle the healthcare’s hospitals, government stuff. And that way they become specialized in those particular areas.

Even the education is broken off into its own segment. And then, you know, we service some national chains and that they’re there in their own segment. So we want them to specialized in that segment. So we do have that broken up that way.

Andy Paul: It’s a measure for the people that we’re servicing the restaurant customers. I mean, they, they pretty much came to a complete halt

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. Um, you know, depending on where you’re at, what state you’re in every state had different laws and every state was more strict than others. Um, some solid drop off of almost 80% in sales. Um, some were a little bit more.

Andy Paul: at least.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. Some were a little bit more loose and, and, uh, continue to operate our it’s funny, our salespeople in Texas said, yeah, we were shut down, but it’s Texas.

So we do whatever we want. Right. So some, some were still operating.

Andy Paul: right?

Patrick Mulkey: Right, right. So I’m still operating rogue. Um, but it was a huge adjustment if you have all of your sales pretty much shut down. So, so one of the things that we did is we tried to shift. Our, uh, accounts we were targeting and the retail segment or the grocery stores saw their business quadruple overnight.

In fact, they couldn’t even handle it. So we started to reach out to a lot of retail establishments and say, Hey, Dee, do you need, you, you can’t get the stuff from your own supply chain. How can we help you? And there was a real, yeah, it was real big shift in our industry to say, well, with restaurants sat down, we’re going to go help the retail sector and the retail segment.

Andy Paul: So compete against the Cisco’s of the world and all those big distributors.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, the Ciscos are, I mean, there are, there are competitors and they did the same thing, right. They shifted to the retailer grocery area as well. Uh, we just, you just try to beat them to the punch, right. Because it’s really the first person that. That calls or they hook up with they, they start doing business with, so we immediately started prospecting for the retail sector and, and, um, even tried to find a way to, to, um, small markets, to independent little stores, mom and pops, anything that had to do with retail that was selling food because they were running out of food.

Andy Paul: No words, the selling, you know, unprocessed foods or did you also carry like brand name, you know, processed foods that you could sell to groceries?

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, it was both, um, mostly what they were looking for from a grocery standpoint was the protein items, you know, the chickens, the beef supports and, uh, even eggs. So that’s really what they were in dire need of. Cause that’s what people were stockpiling. Um, you know, we, we, we, gosh, we ran out of the toilet paper and the gloves.

In fact, we had to kind of protect some of that stuff from our hospitals and the frontline workers, because, um, that, you know, that was the priority.

Andy Paul: So you’re selling supplies as well as, as food products.

Patrick Mulkey: Think about this. Anything a restaurant needs, we have for them. Yup. Absolutely.

Andy Paul: So as things start to open up now in certain States, all States, California, New York, we’re starting to see some, some openings up and down the West coast. So what, what are your peoples are doing now in terms of what sorts of the protocol to go out and visit a restaurant? Imagine that that’s served, been mandated as well.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, there’s there’s um, most of our restaurants obviously require you to wear a mask if you were to come in. So we’re, you know, making sure we’ve got to make sure our sellers are well aware of the environment they’re walking into. Um, you know, if they want to take your temperature, that gets a little dicey, right?

So we gotta just be mindful of that stuff. But our salespeople, if they want us to wear a mask, when we walk in and then we should wear it. You know, wear a mask, uh, just like their employees do. And we’re really trying to, um, more importantly, armed them with the right conversations they should be having with their customers because, um, consumer confidence is the number one thing right now that any restaurant who or should be focused on is what does the customer perceive as a restaurant?

Is it clean? Are the employees wearing mask and wearing gloves? You’re going to make sure this place is, is ready to go before you go eat there. So we’re making sure our sellers are having these conversations with our customers. Hey, do you have the right chemicals in place? Do you have masks? Do you have gloves?

Do you have sanitation stations? And, and if not, we can help you with that. In fact, we can consult on that. Um, I just want to make sure that you’re ready to open and that you’re going to not only survive, but thrive in this environment.

Andy Paul: Yeah. Seeing something yesterday about, um, online about this company in France. And I was thinking about this in the context of our conversation today was, was designing these, um, sort of Plexiglas. I’m plexiglass, uh, I don’t know, surroundings for individual diners at a table. They basically come down from the ceiling.

So if you have four people to table for these things would come down and basically it’s, it’s like you’re in this little bubble, except for where your hands on plates sit in front of you.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, we’ve, we’ve been watching, you know, what’s happened in some of the Asian countries, um, you know, post COVID because it’s there, you can say they’re a 10 to 12 weeks ahead of us in this, this environment and what have their restaurants done. Cause they could tell us a little bit of what ours are gonna look like.

And I’ve seen some where it’s plexiglass everywhere. Uh, you’re almost like an official, you know, sitting in and eating in a restaurant and, um, you know, some restaurants requiring people to wear mask and yet you can only take them off when you eat. So we’re seeing all kinds of things from that. And we’re just trying to figure out where, where it’s gonna land here in the U S but really it’s state by state.

And, um, you know, we’re just trying to make sure our sellers are informed of what the rules are in their state. So they’re, there’s, they’re well aware of it.

Andy Paul: Yeah. Interesting sort of transition. So how do you, how do you as an organization, and I know you’re talking about pivoting to the grocery stores, but yeah. How do you, how do you keep people motivated? How do you keep morale high when there’s nothing to sell?

Patrick Mulkey: Oh boy. Um, this is where I wish I had my magic wand. Um, you know, it’s tough because when you lose, uh, or when you, your sales are reduced half overnight. Um, you’re really. It hurts with that motivation factor. Um, you know, how do you keep your eyes on the prize? How do you keep pursuing new business? Um, knowing that, Oh my gosh, my sales have declined by half.

So, uh, what, we’re, what we’re just trying to get the sales team focused on is, is this idea that we’re going to, you’re going to come out of this. The restaurant air industry is resilient. It’s one of the largest economic factors in the country is. W w are you prepared for when it comes out of it? Because you can either go one way or the other as if you’re still making contacts with customers and working in the retail sector.

Um, when, when things are gonna all be said and done. You can increase your compensation and your commissions are going to be flourishing in this versus if you kinda sit down and, and, you know, put your head in your knees and say, woe is me. And you know, this is, this is not going to work and we’re never going to come back from it.

You’re not going to be in a position to grow on the other side of it. So. We’re really trying to make sure that our sales team is focused on the, the right, um, accounts. In fact, we created a little, a little thing for our sellers that defines what good looks like. And we’re, we’re pulling out certain restaurants that are really going to be busy on the outcome of this.

In fact,

Andy Paul: Such as.

Patrick Mulkey: Um, examples is, um, are, are, is there a menu designed to, uh, to go, right? Can it be delivered by a door dash or something like that? Does it fit in a container and travel really well because, uh, restaurants 30 to 40% of their sales after this is all said and done is still going to be done. And delivery and takeout.

So, um, quick serve restaurants are really thriving during this time. How are we making sure that we’re pursuing those? Um, and, and buffets are gonna, they’re just getting hammered right now. Yeah, you could basically say that. I was, I was in an area that has tons of buffets, a big touristy area, uh, a couple of weekends ago.

And literally there was two cars in these parking lots at hold. Thousands. Right. Whereas the taco joint down the street that has, um, you know, it’s a shack, literally had a diner, you know, a line around the door. So. We’re we’re making sure our sellers are focused on the right accounts. We’re calling it, defining what good looks like and making sure that they’re spending the time with the right accounts.

And, um, and they have prioritization because they’re busy. They’re going to be busy taking care of customers and getting people back reopen. Who do you spend that time with? So our focus has really been on the prioritization.

Andy Paul: Well, cause yeah, cause you’re gonna use for your sellers and your sellers. So I have to make a tough judgment, which is who is coming back because certainly you’ve seen the projections, you know, 40% of restaurants probably they’ve closed, may never come back in their current form with the current owners.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, it’s interesting. That’s it? There’s all kinds of numbers floating around out there. And you can say it’s 30 to 40% of restaurants won’t even come back out of this. There’s even going to be a next wave, but there’s a lot of restaurants that they were just closed. There’s time period. And now they’re going to open back up.

And there’s going to be another wave of restaurants that aren’t, aren’t gonna be able to survive this because their client tells aren’t ready to come out. We’ve seen some data that says that the baby boomer generation is gonna, is really hesitant to come back out. And in fact, they might not even come back into the restaurants until six months after the state opens up or eases restrictions.

So that’s another restaurant that could go six months without their main clientele. If that’s your, if that’s your main clientele. So there’s, there’s even more closures to come.

Andy Paul: Well, if there’s another wave of infection, that’s shuts down restaurants again. I mean, that’s.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, we, we call it, uh, we call it thrivability. It’s funny. It didn’t even know that it was a word before all this happened, but we were calling these accounts, uh, high on our thrivability scale because not only will they survive and grow post pandemic, but if it were to come around again or. Um, an economic recession happens, which is, you know, possible as well.

Andy Paul: Well,

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. It is more than likely, um, that, that we’re still aligned with the accounts, the, the restaurants that are, um, uh, they’re going to grow through this and be okay.

Andy Paul: Yeah, it’s a really interesting targeting challenge for, for reps. And then you can just imagine sort of the ups and downs, because as you said, there could be a second wave of restaurant closures, which. Yeah. A lot of people anticipate a second spike, at least one more spike of infections, which could cause another wave of closures of restaurants.

Um, yeah. You think about selling in that environment? It’s, it’s a real interesting challenge, right? It’s because you’re thinking, man, I still have a job and I still have some customers, but, and it really is almost until the vaccine comes out, that they can sort of get back to normal.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, there’s it’s I guess it’s um, when you look at our sellers and that, and the time they have. Um, their, their routes. They could spend a lot of time with the wrong, the wrong customers, I guess you could say. And if you don’t have that prioritization or you don’t have that clear understanding of where I should be dedicating my time with, with the right customers that are growing are they’re going to be set to grow.

Then you can really get lost in some pretty bad activities. I would say.

Andy Paul: Well, I imagine there’s a lot of your restaurant tour customers that just don’t have somebody to talk to.

Patrick Mulkey: Well, there’s also some big supply chain disruption as well. Right. You’ve probably heard all over the news of, you know, the protein markets are crazy and beef, beef, plant beef plants closing down and all that kind of stuff. So, you know, we’re also just trying to make sure that some customers have product.

And like I said, you could spend so much time on, you want to take care of all your customers, but. Uh, not all are created equal and it needs to be very targeted. And, and with the ones that you do have time with, what is your purpose with them?

Andy Paul: So there’s there a chance that in that situation then that you’re sort of saying. You know, if we lose some of these, I don’t call it lower end necessarily, but lower end customers. That’s okay for now.

Patrick Mulkey: Uh, yeah, I mean, it’s, uh, you never want to say it, but, but it kind of is, um, because there’s even a chance that they won’t even survive either. Um, or, or do you look at just moving them to a different channel? Um, that that’s also another consideration to say

Andy Paul: purely online.

Patrick Mulkey: it could be. Yeah. Um, that, you know, it’s always something to think about.

I know there’s a lot of organizations that have inside sales models as well. Um, you know, is that, is that an option somewhere down the road? Um, it’s it’s on the whiteboard. Uh, like I said, we’ve, we’ve been an organization that’s been, um, highly, you know, the belly to belly. So our industry in general is just that face to face selling. But I think that even our competitors are considering some of that as well. So I’d say it’s on the whiteboard.

Andy Paul: Yeah, I would think that given are the range of institutions you deal with that that makes sense for a number of them either say, Hey, your option is to go online and have a good customer, six surf, excuse me. Success in customer service experience or yeah, maybe inside sales.

Patrick Mulkey: It would just be a big change for the customers. Um, they’re used to having that sales person, right. That live interaction and that, that conversation. So. It would be a change for them. And there would be some setting expectations in my mind of, Hey, this is kind of how we’re going to do business, but I think if there’s any time to do it, it’s now because there’s an understanding our whole industry is under consolidation and it just not like it’d be our company doing it.

The competitors would be doing as well. So you’re going to do something like that. I would say now would be the time.

Andy Paul: Yeah. Before, uh, before all your competition jumps into it. I mean, at a restaurant it’s sort of interesting, a competitive standpoint then is, is, so when your sellers go into a restaurant, we’ll start with restaurants is specifically, is like, what is the value proposition for dealing with Gordon versus a competitor?

Patrick Mulkey: Well, I’m going to throw an old cliche out here, Andy, and say it’s a it’s our people are the value proposition, but, um, It it really, I say that jokingly, but I really mean that too, because what we try to make sure our salespeople do is they’re, they’re delivering insights and delivering, uh, valued information and helping our customers sift through all the information into what’s important for their operation.

Andy Paul: So then give us an example of the insights when you’re have industry data. Passing along or, or what’s that

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. Yeah. That’s that’s exactly. So, uh, one of the things that we’re, we’re really trying to focus on with our customers is reducing and streamlining their menu. So, uh, restaurants are having a hard time with labor right now, getting people. Back to work from the unemployment. Right? You can make more money on unemployment than, than coming to work.

So they’re just like, I’m not coming back or just not answering the phone. So they’re really struggling from a labor standpoint. So what we’re trying to talk to our customers about is, uh, you, you don’t have a lot of people in the kitchen anymore, so we, you need to. Reduce your menu, the size of it, the number of products you service or offer as well as you need to reduce, um, the high labor intensive items, a lot of scraps from stuff.

And can we help you with some of those products that reduce that scratch right. Pre cooked items, pre breaded items. Stuff like that, that you don’t have to create a, a suit base. That’s already a base that we have. We don’t have to make it from scratch. So we’re really trying to have that conversation with customers.

And that’s one of our biggest insights is let us help you with that because your world, isn’t what it was versus just coming in and saying, what do you need this week?

Andy Paul: Yeah. I mentioned those conversations. Yeah, I haven’t happened or excuse me, it didn’t start happening just because of the covert crisis. So you can see across the board, if you’re trying to keep your, your costs in line is that some of those things are, are pretty important.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah. I mean, it, it just, it wasn’t, um, Having a streamlined menu, having a, uh, we call it a portable menu, right? Uh, travels really well. And the container doesn’t get soggy like that just wasn’t that big of a deal pre pandemic. Um, it was a nice to have delivery. Wasn’t that big of a, uh, an outlet for our customers.

They did maybe temperature their sales were takeout. Well, now all of a sudden that is completely changed. And if your menu, your products don’t travel well on a container. Um, or it’s not fit to go, or you don’t have a delivery partner. Uh, you’re out in the cold,

Andy Paul: Yeah. Yeah, no, no one likes the, the soggy entree when it shows up

Patrick Mulkey: right? It’s uh, French fries is one of those things. It’s we tell customers all the time that French fries just aren’t going to travel well. So use a thicker potato wedge that the thicker, the item, the more it holds his crispiness. So there you go. That little nugget of information for you.

Andy Paul: Well, so it seems like you have to have like vent holes in the, the container. Right? I don’t know how that works with the sanitation, but right. It’s, you know, you put French fries on a takeaway container. You’re basically steaming them for her, for the duration of the glittery.

Patrick Mulkey: You’re exactly right, right. They need to be vented and, and that’s a whole nother conversation is there’s tons of to go container. Um, I guess you could say innovation out there from repeatable containers to vented. I mean, you can go the cheap route, right. And use the really crummy foam container. That’s bad for the environment and that’s not vented, but you’re going to save some money versus use a high end one that your product will be delivered to the customer.

Almost tasting like it came right out of the fryer or the oven. But it’s going to cost you more. And that said other component that we’re trying to talk to customers about is your packaging can make a difference. Does it have your logo on it? You know how to create a brand for yourself. And, um, yeah, those, those are some more of those insights that we’re trying to deliver.

Andy Paul: Yeah. Almost like you have to train your sellers to have sort of a graphic background as well, to help design those things.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, or just, you know what I’ve, I’ve seen customers as simple as just making a stamp and stamping your logo on a paper bag. Right. That’s better than a plain Brown paper bag.

Andy Paul: Yeah. Having some action. I agree. I was just commenting on that last week. My wife and I were out for a walk here in Manhattan then and somebody is going walking away from a restaurant and the restaurant had a printed bag and it’s like, what caught my eye made a difference.

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, branding is everything, especially when it comes to the takeout and the, um, all, all that’s going on with that. So I, we, we highly recommend our customers that you really need to brand yourself. Um, especially now in this time. So as well as the online presence or your, you know, your online reviews and what people are saying about you, that is just as important.

Andy Paul: Now do you have a service that helps people with their social media presence?

Patrick Mulkey: We do. We have a, we have a couple of third party services that we partner up with that can help customers with that. Um, and, and even monitor it for them.

Andy Paul: to reputation control.

Patrick Mulkey: right. Right. A lot of our restaurants just don’t have that marketing arm right there. Mom and pops are independent and we try to look from everything from helping them control their food costs to, um, helping them with their, their menu design.

A social media presence, even finding a third party delivery partner. Um, uh, we, we have all those things that we try to help our customers with.

Andy Paul: Well, it sounds like you guys should get into the mask business because at least in California, the regulation is that you have to wear a mask to enter a restaurant and have it on everywhere. But at the table, like you get up to go to the restroom. You have to put your mask back on and so on. So it seems like you should make yeah.

Branded masks for, for each restaurant that they have extra pile, but the front doors are like in the old days where you had to have a blazer on to go into certain restaurants. We got a mask for you?

Patrick Mulkey: It’s funny. You, you we’ve seen that with a lot of our restaurants. I’ve seen with a lot of national chains. They’re actually trying to have fun with the masks a little bit. Right. So, you know, everybody knows Frisch’s big boy, why they’re putting masks on their big boy and all their restaurants and stuff like that.

And, and, and branded branded masks and all that kind of stuff. So it’s interesting to watch restaurants try to have a little bit of fun with that.

Andy Paul: Well, I hope they can cause it certainly, hasn’t been fun this past several months. It’s going to be tough for a while. Cause if they’re constrained to 25% capacity as they are, and in many States that’s, um, It’s still gonna be tough for a little bit, so yeah. Well, good luck to yours, your sellers in that.

And so people want to find out more about Gordon food service or connect with you. How can they do that?

Patrick Mulkey: Yeah, uh, www.gfs.com. So pretty simple to remember that, um, whether, you know, you’re a restaurant and you want to become a customer, or you just want to learn more about as an organization. We also have our Gordon food service stores, uh, over 130 of them, mostly in the Midwest and Florida. But, uh, you can pick up food service items, um, into our retail establishment as well.

So, uh, if you’re looking to still stockpile food at one of our retail outlets, um,

Andy Paul: Only if you have toilet paper.

Patrick Mulkey: yeah. Yeah. Well actually I think we do. I think we’re, we’re, well-stocked in it now is as well as many other protein items.

Andy Paul: So, but your stores are like in California, they have the smart and final stores. Is there like that.

Patrick Mulkey: Very similar to that. Yeah. It’s basically a way to, um, to get, you know, bulk food and, um, to get a lot of what we sell directly to the restaurants for, uh, it was made as a backup to our restaurants and the public part of it just really took it off. So

Andy Paul: Oh, cool.

Patrick Mulkey: great place to get anything you need for a party as well.

Andy Paul: Yeah. All right. Well, Patrick, thank you very much for your time.

Patrick Mulkey: Thank you, Andy. Appreciate it.