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Sales Training for the Modern Sales Team, with Skip Miller [Episode 223]

Skip and I talk about the current state of the sales training field and the essential emerging trends in sales training as it evolves to meet the demands of the modern sales organization.


Leading sales trainer, Skip Miller is the President of M3Learning, a proactive sales management and sales training company. He’s also author of the bestselling books, Selling Above and Below the Line, Proactive Selling and Proactive Sales Management. In this episode, the topic of discussion is one of my favorites, sales training.

MORE ABOUT Skip Miller

What’s your most powerful sales attribute?


What tool do you use for sales management that you can’t live without?

Managing frequencies and competencies!

Revenue = competencies & frequencies.

Who is your sales role model?

A former manager, Kevin.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

I could not make out the title of the book @

What music is on your playlist right now?

38 Special.

What’s the question you get asked most frequently by salespeople?

How do I get my deal from coming out of the darkness?