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Sales and Marketing Alignment in the Digital Age, with Tony Delmercado [Episode 196]

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Tony Delmercado is COO of Hawke Media and the founder of 1099.me, a tax management service for entrepreneurs. Tony believes in people over processes and has helped generate millions of dollars in revenue for numerous companies through leadership roles in business development, marketing and operations. Listen now! In this episode, Tony and I have a discussion about what companies can do to dramatically grow their revenues by to perfecting their sales and marketing alignment efforts.


What’s your most powerful sales attribute?

I’m really friendly and nice. I think I’m just an approachable guy.

What tool do you use for sales management that you can’t live without?

SharpSpring and Salesforce.

Who is your sales role model?

Jim Rawdon.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

What music is on your playlist right now?

Killer Mind, who’s a rapper from Atlanta; Foo Fighters; and another rapper from Minneapolis named Prof.

What’s the first sales activity you do every day?

In my current role, I’ll talk to Cole who’s on our sales management team. Also, at some point before 9:30 am, I’ve probably responded to at least one person that’s in our flow to acquire them as a client.