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Quit Whining And Start Selling. How The Winners in Sales Think, Learn and Act Differently From The Whiners w/ Kelly Riggs [Episode 59]

Kelly Riggs is the creator of The Business Locker Room and author of Quit Whining And Start Selling.

In this episode, Kelly breaks down why, despite all the changes that are occurring in B2B selling, sales success will always depend on the ability of a sales rep to effectively communicate one-on-one with a potential buyer. He describes why most salespeople misunderstand the nature of the relationship that buyers want to have with them, and the negative impact this has on their ability to win business. And, he defines the steps that every sales rep must take to increase the value that can deliver in order to maintain their relevance to their prospects and their buying processes. It is tough work that requires a level of commitment that winners will make. And, whiners won’t.

If you’re involved in B2B sales at any level, then you need to listen to this show!